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An unknown key-share attack on the MQV key agreement protocol

Published: 01 August 2001 Publication History


The MQV key agreement protocol, a technique included in recent standards, is shown in its basic form to be vulnerable to an unknown key-share attack. Although the attack's practical impact on security is minimal---a key confirmation step easily prevents it---the attack is noteworthy in the principles it illustrates about protocol design. First, minor “efficiency improvements” can significantly alter the security properties of a protocol. Second, protocol analysis must consider potential interactions with all parties, not just those that are normally online. Finally, attacks must be assessed in terms of system requirements, not just in isolation.


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ACM Transactions on Information and System Security  Volume 4, Issue 3
August 2001
129 pages
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Published: 01 August 2001
Published in TISSEC Volume 4, Issue 3


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  1. Key agreement
  2. MQV
  3. protocol design
  4. unknown key-share attack


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