Why APL2: a discussion of design principles
Why APL2: a discussion of design principles
APL '87: Proceedings of the international conference on APL: APL in transitionAPL2 represents a quantum leap in the function of the APL notation over earlier IBM offerings. Achieving a consistent language required going back to the fundamentals and rethinking some of the original principles of APL and in a few cases making some ...
APL2 and the CMS system: Exploiting the APL2/REXX connection
APL '88: Proceedings of the international conference on APLAPL2 and REXX are both powerful interpretive languages. APL2 generally isolates the user/programmer from the operating environment, whereas REXX includes integral hooks to directly access the environment. The second release of APL2 includes the ability ...
APL2 and the CMS system: Exploiting the APL2/REXX connection
APL2 and REXX are both powerful interpretive languages. APL2 generally isolates the user/programmer from the operating environment, whereas REXX includes integral hooks to directly access the environment. The second release of APL2 includes the ability ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
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