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Understanding Modding Devotion, Practices and Motivations using Serious Leisure Perspective

Published: 10 May 2024 Publication History


Modding actively contributes to videogame post-launch life cycles. Prior research has investigated the motivations of modders, but most studies have treated makers and users as the same group. This limits our understanding of how and why people may engage and progress in modding as a serious leisure activity. In a mixed-method study (N=483), we examined whether modding can be conceptualized as a Serious Leisure Activity. Using the SLIM (Serious Leisure Inventory Measure), closed-ended demographics items, and open-response questions, we investigated how modders perceive themselves, their common practices, and motivations using the theoretical lens of Serious Leisure and Devotion. We found that the key motivation for modders is the enjoyment of creating content. However, we also found that modders are diverse in their practices and motivations to mod. They mod different videogames and make various types of mods, and their motivation changes with their levels of devotion. Overall, this paper contributes to the growing body of knowledge around the motivations and practices of modders.

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  1. Understanding Modding Devotion, Practices and Motivations using Serious Leisure Perspective



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      OzCHI '23: Proceedings of the 35th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference
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      Published: 10 May 2024


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      1. Custom Content Creation
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