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Know in AdVance: Linear-Complexity Forecasting of Ad Campaign Performance with Evolving User Interest

Published: 24 August 2024 Publication History


Real-time Bidding (RTB) advertisers wish to know in advance the expected cost and yield of ad campaigns to avoid trial-and-error expenses. However, Campaign Performance Forecasting (CPF), a sequence modeling task involving tens of thousands of ad auctions, poses challenges of evolving user interest, auction representation, and long context, making coarse-grained and static-modeling methods sub-optimal. We propose AdVance, a time-aware framework that integrates local auction-level and global campaign-level modeling. User preference and fatigue are disentangled using a time-positioned sequence of clicked items and a concise vector of all displayed items. Cross-attention, conditioned on the fatigue vector, captures the dynamics of user interest toward each candidate ad. Bidders compete with each other, presenting a complete graph similar to the self-attention mechanism. Hence, we employ a Transformer Encoder to compress each auction into embedding by solving auxiliary tasks. These sequential embeddings are then summarized by a conditional state space model (SSM) to comprehend long-range dependencies while maintaining global linear complexity. Considering the irregular time intervals between auctions, we make SSM's parameters dependent on the current auction embedding and the time interval. We further condition SSM's global predictions on the accumulation of local results. Extensive evaluations and ablation studies demonstrate its superiority over state-of-the-art methods. AdVance has been deployed on the Tencent Advertising platform, and A/B tests show a remarkable 4.5% uplift in Average Revenue per User (ARPU).


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KDD '24: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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Published: 24 August 2024


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  1. campaign performance forecasting
  2. real-time bidding
  3. sequence modeling
  4. user interest modeling


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  • China National Natural Science Foundation
  • 2030 National Key AI Program of China
  • Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS


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