Aligning IT Asset Management at XYZ University with Infocom Standard and COBIT 2019 BAI09 Domain: Assessment and Design
Pages 537 - 544
Information technology plays a very important role in a company or institution. Good information technology governance is required so that information technology can add value to companies and institutions. Every company or agency has assets that will support the success of the goals of their company or institution. With these assets, they also need IT asset management to control their assets. COBIT 2019 focuses on two things: governance systems and governance frameworks and addresses governance issues by integrating relevant governance components into governance and goal management that can be managed according to the required capabilities. The four-step methods of research are Systematic Research, Planning Analysis, Data Collection, Data Processing, and Conclusion Drawing. A combination of document study and interview results in primary data. In order to conduct asset management at the XYZ University Faculty in accordance with COBIT 2019 standards, it is necessary to carry out the Asset Management Assessment specified with the LAM-INFOKOM administering standard. The research will focus on the assessment of the capacity of the IT management of the assets management part of the Faculty of XYZ University using the COBIT 2019 framework with the BAI09 domain focus. The results obtained from this assessment are the mapping between the 2019 domain acquisition framework BAI09 and LAM INFOKOM criteria 5. Recommendations for improvement of people aspects such as job additions, training, and coordination meetings between staff. The recommendations of the upper process aspects consist of the creation of intrusion work and results reports. The improvement plan to solve the problems and gaps found is expected to help in meeting the COBIT 2019 standardization so as to reach maximum status at the meeting of the COVIT 2019 level.
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- Aligning IT Asset Management at XYZ University with Infocom Standard and COBIT 2019 BAI09 Domain: Assessment and Design
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