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Retrieval Augmented Deep Anomaly Detection for Tabular Data

Published: 21 October 2024 Publication History


Deep learning for tabular data has garnered increasing attention in recent years, yet employing deep models for structured data remains challenging. While these models excel with unstructured data, their efficacy with structured data has been limited. Recent research has introduced retrieval-augmented models to address this gap, demonstrating promising results in supervised tasks such as classification and regression. In this work, we investigate using retrieval-augmented models for anomaly detection on tabular data. We propose a reconstruction-based approach in which a transformer model learns to reconstruct masked features ofnormal samples. We test the effectiveness of KNN-based and attention-based modules to select relevant samples to help in the reconstruction process of the target sample. Our experiments on a benchmark of 31 tabular datasets reveal that augmenting this reconstruction-based anomaly detection (AD) method with sample-sample dependencies via retrieval modules significantly boosts performance. The present work supports the idea that retrieval module are useful to augment any deep AD method to enhance anomaly detection on tabular data. Our code to reproduce the experiments is made available on GitHub.


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CIKM '24: Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
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Published: 21 October 2024

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