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Genetic Improvement @ ICSE 2023

Published: 17 October 2023 Publication History


Following the formal presentations, which included keynotes by Prof. Myra B. Cohen of Iowa State University and Dr. Sebastian Baltes of SAP as well as six papers (which are recorded in the pro- ceedings) there was a wide ranging discussion at the twelfth inter- national Genetic Improvement workshop, GI-2023 @ ICSE held on Saturday 20th May 2023 in Melbourne and online via Zoom. Topics included GI to improve testing, and remove unpleasant surprises in cloud computing costs, incorporating novelty search, large language models (LLM ANN) and GI benchmarks.


Myra B. Cohen. It's all in the semantics: When are genetically improved programs still correct? In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, page ix, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. Invited Keynote. URL: http: //
Mark Harman and Bryan F. Jones. Search based software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 43(14):833{839, December 2001. URL:
John R. Koza. Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1992. URL:
Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon, and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. A eld guide to genetic programming. Published via and freely available at, 2008. (With contributions by J. R. Koza). URL: http://gpbib.cs.ucl.
Claire Le Goues, Michael Pradel, and Abhik Roychoudhury. Automated program repair. Communications of the ACM, 62(12):56{65, December 2019. URL: http://gpbib.cs.ucl.
Alexandru Marginean, Earl T. Barr, Mark Harman, and Yue Jia. Automated transplantation of call graph and layout features into Kate. In Yvan Labiche and Marcio Barros, editors, SSBSE, volume 9275 of LNCS, pages 262{268, Bergamo, Italy, September 5--7 2015. Springer. URL: 2015_SSBSE.html.
William B. Langdon, Justyna Petke, and Ronny Lorenz. Evolving better RNAfold structure prediction. In Mauro Castelli, Lukas Sekanina, and Mengjie Zhang, editors, EuroGP 2018: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 10781 of LNCS, pages 220{236, Parma, Italy, 4--6 April 2018. Springer Verlag. URL: 2018_EuroGP.html.
William B. Langdon and Oliver Krauss. Genetic improvement of data for maths functions. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, 1(2):Article No.: 7, July 2021. URL: http: //
William B. Langdon and Mark Harman. Optimising existing software with genetic programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19(1):118{135, February 2015. URL: gp-html/Langdon_2013_ieeeTEC.html.
Mahmoud Bokhari and Markus Wagner. Optimising energy consumption heuristically on Android mobile phones. In Justyna Petke, David R. White, and Westley Weimer, editors, Genetic Improvement 2016 Workshop, pages 1139{1140, Denver, July 20--24 2016. ACM. URL: http: //
Fan Wu, Westley Weimer, Mark Harman, Yue Jia, and Jens Krinke. Deep parameter optimisation. In Sara Silva et al., editors, GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 1375{1382, Madrid, 11--15 July 2015. ACM. URL: http: //
Earl T. Barr, Mark Harman, Yue Jia, Alexandru Marginean, and Justyna Petke. Automated software transplantation. In Tao Xie and Michal Young, editors, International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 2015, pages 257{269, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 14--17 July 2015. ACM. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. URL: http: //
Justyna Petke, Mark Harman, William B. Langdon, and Westley Weimer. Using genetic improvement and code transplants to specialise a C++ program to a problem class. In Miguel Nicolau, Krzysztof Krawiec, Malcolm I. Heywood, Mauro Castelli, Pablo Garcia-Sanchez, Juan J. Merelo, Victor M. Rivas Santos, and Kevin Sim, editors, 17th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 8599 of LNCS, pages 137{149, Granada, Spain, 23--25 April 2014. Springer. URL: http://gpbib.cs.ucl.
Michail Basios, Lingbo Li, Fan Wu, Leslie Kanthan, and Earl T. Barr. Darwinian data structure selection. In Gary T. Leavens, Alessandro Garcia, and Corina S. Pasareanu, editors, Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2018, pages 118{128, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA, 4--9 November 2018. ACM. URL: http: //
Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors. 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. URL: http: //
Sebastian Baltes. All about the money: Cost modeling and
Erik M. Fredericks, Abigail C. Diller, and Jared M. Moore. Generative art via grammatical evolution. In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, pages 1{8, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. Best paper. URL: http://
David Grin, Susan Stepney, and Ian Vidamour. DebugNS: Novelty search for nding bugs in simulators. In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, pages 17{18, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. URL: http: //
Sungmin Kang and Shin Yoo. Towards objective-tailored genetic improvement through large language models. In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, pages 19{20, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. Best position paper. URL: http: //
Oliver Krauss. Exploring the use of natural language processing techniques for enhancing genetic improvement. In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, pages 21{22, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. URL: http: //
William B. Langdon and Bradley J. Alexander. Genetic improvement of OLC and H3 with Magpie. In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, pages 9{16, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. URL: http: //
Myles Watkinson and Alexander Brownlee. Updating Gin's pro ler for current java. In Vesna Nowack, Markus Wagner, Gabin An, Aymeric Blot, and Justyna Petke, editors, 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2023, pages 23{28, Melbourne, Australia, 20 May 2023. IEEE. URL: Watkinson_2023_GI.html.
Gordon Fraser and Andrea Arcuri. Evosuite: automatic test suite generation for object-oriented software. In 8th European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '11), pages 416{419, Szeged, Hungary, September 5th - 9th 2011. ACM. URL:
Justyna Petke, Saemundur O. Haraldsson, Mark Harman, William B. Langdon, David R. White, and John R. Woodward. Genetic improvement of software: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22(3):415{432, June 2018. URL: http: //
Alessio Gambi, Giovani Guizzo, and Panichella Sebastiano, editors. The Search-Based & Fuzz Testing (SBFT) Workshop, Melbourne, 10 May 2023. Co-located with ICSE 2023. URL:
Max Hort, Rebecca Moussa, and Federica Sarro. Multi-objective search for gender-fair and semantically correct word embeddings. Applied Soft Computing, 133:109916, January 2023. URL:
S. Yoo and M. Harman. Regression testing minimization, selection and prioritization: A survey. Journal of Software Testing, Veri cation & Reliability, 22(2):67{120, March 2012. URL:
Nadia Alshahwan and Mark Harman. Automated web application testing using search based software engineering. In 2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), pages 3{12, Lawrence, KS, USA, 6--10 November 2011. URL:
Mark Harman, Yue Jia, and Yuanyuan Zhang. Achievements, open problems and challenges for search based software testing. In Gordon Fraser and Darko Marinov, editors, 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Veri cation and Validation, ICST 2015, pages 1{12, Graz, Austria, April 14--16 2015. IEEE. Keynote. URL: http: //
Joel Lehman and Kenneth O. Stanley. Novelty search and the problem with objectives. In Rick Riolo, Ekaterina Vladislavleva, and Jason H. Moore, editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IX, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, chapter 3, pages 37{56. Springer, Ann Arbor, USA, 12--14 May 2011. URL: http: //
William B. Langdon, Westley Weimer, Justyna Petke, Erik Fredericks, Seongmin Lee, Emily Winter, Michail Basios, Myra B. Cohen, Aymeric Blot, Markus Wagner, Bobby R. Bruce, Shin Yoo, Simos Gerasimou, Oliver Krauss, Yu Huang, and Michael Gerten. Genetic improvement @ icse 2020. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 45(4):24{30, October 2020. URL: http: //
Joel Lehman, Jonathan Gordon, Shawn Jain, Kamal Ndousse, Cathy Yeh, and Kenneth O. Stanley. Evolution through large models. ArXiv, 17 June 2022. URL: http: //
Miltiadis Allamanis, Earl T. Barr, Premkumar Devanbu, and Charles A. Sutton. A survey of machine learning for big code and naturalness. ACM Computing Surveys, 51(4), jul 2018. URL:
William B. Langdon. Large scale bioinformatics data mining with parallel genetic programming on graphics processing units. In Shigeyoshi Tsutsui and Pierre Collet, editors, Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs, Natural Computing Series, chapter 15, pages 311{347. Springer, 2013. URL: uk/gp-html/langdon_2013_ecgpu.html.
Matheus Paixao, Jens Krinke, Donggyun Han, and Mark Harman. CROP: Linking code reviews to source code changes. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, page 46{49, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. Association for Computing Machinery. Co-located with ICSE. URL:
Derrick Lin, James Koppel, Angela Chen, and Armando Solar-Lezama. QuixBugs: A multi-lingual program repair benchmark set based on the Quixey challenge. In SPLASH Companion 2017, pages 55{{56, Vancouver, 2017. URL:
Jason Landsborough, Stephen Harding, and Bryan Beabout. Evolutionary fuzzing for genetic improvement: Toward adaptive software defense. In Justyna Petke, Kathryn Stolee, William B. Langdon, and Westley Weimer, editors, GI-2018, ICSE workshops proceedings, pages 45{46, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2 June 2018. ACM. URL: 2018_GI.html.
Linsey Kitt and Myra B. Cohen. Partial speci cations for program repair. In Justyna Petke, Bobby R. Bruce, Yu Huang, Aymeric Blot, Westley Weimer, and W. B. Langdon, editors, GI @ ICSE 2021, pages 19{20, internet, 30 May 2021. IEEE. URL: http: //
Marouane Tlili, Stefan Wappler, and Harmen Sthamer. Improving evolutionary real-time testing. In Maarten Keijzer et al., editors, GECCO 2006: Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 2, pages 1917{1924, Seattle, Washington, USA, 8--12 July 2006. ACM Press. URL:
Ibrahim Mesecan, Daniel Blackwell, David Clark, Myra B. Cohen, and Justyna Petke. HyperGI: Automated detection and repair of information ow leakage. In Hourieh Khalajzadeh and Jean-Guy Schneider, editors, The 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Results track, ASE NIER 2021, pages 1358{1362, Melbourne, 15--19 November 2021. URL: gp-html/Clark_2021_ASE-NIER.html, arXiv:2108.12075.
John R. Woodward, Justyna Petke, and William Langdon. How computers are learning to make human software work more efficiently. The Conversation, page 10.08am BST, June 25 2015. URL: gp-html/Woodward_2015_hclhswe.html.
Aymeric Blot and Justyna Petke. MAGPIE: Machine automated general performance improvement via evolution of software. arXiv, 4 August 2022. URL: http: //



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cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 48, Issue 4
October 2023
62 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 17 October 2023
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 48, Issue 4

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