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SimUser: Generating Usability Feedback by Simulating Various Users Interacting with Mobile Applications

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History

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The authors have requested minor, non-substantive changes to the VoR and, in accordance with ACM policies, a Corrected VoR was published on August 6, 2024. For reference purposes the VoR may still be accessed via the Supplemental Material section on this page.


The conflict between the rapid iteration demand of prototyping and the time-consuming nature of user tests has led researchers to adopt AI methods to identify usability issues. However, these AI-driven methods concentrate on evaluating the feasibility of a system, while often overlooking the influence of specified user characteristics and usage contexts. Our work proposes a tool named SimUser based on large language models (LLMs) with the Chain-of-Thought structure and user modeling method. It generates usability feedback by simulating the interaction between users and applications, which is influenced by user characteristics and contextual factors. The empirical study (48 human users and 21 designers) validated that in the context of a simple smartwatch interface, SimUser could generate heuristic usability feedback with the similarity varying from 35.7% to 100% according to the user groups and usability category. Our work provides insights into simulating users by LLM to improve future design activities.

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Version of Record for "SimUser: Generating Usability Feedback by Simulating Various Users Interacting with Mobile Applications" by Xiang et al., Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24).


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