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Enhancing Transformers without Self-supervised Learning: A Loss Landscape Perspective in Sequential Recommendation

Published: 14 September 2023 Publication History


Transformer and its variants are a powerful class of architectures for sequential recommendation, owing to their ability of capturing a user’s dynamic interests from their past interactions. Despite their success, Transformer-based models often require the optimization of a large number of parameters, making them difficult to train from sparse data in sequential recommendation. To address the problem of data sparsity, previous studies have utilized self-supervised learning to enhance Transformers, such as pre-training embeddings from item attributes or contrastive data augmentations. However, these approaches encounter several training issues, including initialization sensitivity, manual data augmentations, and large batch-size memory bottlenecks.
In this work, we investigate Transformers from the perspective of loss geometry, aiming to enhance the models’ data efficiency and generalization in sequential recommendation. We observe that Transformers (e.g., SASRec) can converge to extremely sharp local minima if not adequately regularized. Inspired by the recent Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM), we propose SAMRec, which significantly improves the accuracy and robustness of sequential recommendation. SAMRec performs comparably to state-of-the-art self-supervised Transformers, such as S3Rec and CL4SRec, without the need for pre-training or strong data augmentations.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)Towards Mitigating Dimensional Collapse of Representations in Collaborative FilteringProceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining10.1145/3616855.3635832(106-115)Online publication date: 4-Mar-2024
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Index Terms

  1. Enhancing Transformers without Self-supervised Learning: A Loss Landscape Perspective in Sequential Recommendation



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      RecSys '23: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
      September 2023
      1406 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 14 September 2023


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      1. Loss Landscape
      2. Sequential Recommendation
      3. Sharpness-aware Minimization
      4. Transformer


      • Short-paper
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      RecSys '23: Seventeenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
      September 18 - 22, 2023
      Singapore, Singapore

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      • (2024)Towards Mitigating Dimensional Collapse of Representations in Collaborative FilteringProceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining10.1145/3616855.3635832(106-115)Online publication date: 4-Mar-2024
      • (2024)A global contextual enhanced structural-aware transformer for sequential recommendationKnowledge-Based Systems10.1016/j.knosys.2024.112515304(112515)Online publication date: Nov-2024

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