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Leveraging Conceptual Change regarding Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Education

Published: 13 November 2024 Publication History


Various research studies have been conducted on the topic of students’ conceptions of artificial intelligence (AI), but there is insufficient research into how these conceptions can be changed. In computer science education, there is a need to empirically research solutions or activities for conceptions that have already been discovered in order to make them usable in terms of educational reconstruction and integrate them into instruction. However, this is hardly ever done yet. Our work addresses this issue and can be transferred as a prototype study to other areas of conceptions research in computer science education. To this end, a teaching intervention was conducted with 10th and 11th grade secondary school students in Germany in order to measure the change in their agreement to specific conceptions with the help of pre- and post-tests. This study was conducted with N = 76 students who were divided into an experimental and control group. The results of the study show that conceptual change texts are a promising teaching method for expanding students’ conceptions of AI. This is indicated by the results of the post-test, in which students who worked with the conceptual change text were able to demonstrate greater agreement to the conception presented. However, the results of the study needs to be critically discussed in terms of validity and future perspectives.

1 Introduction

The increasing implementation of artificial intelligence in the students’ everyday lives requires a sound knowledge of the technology they use on a daily basis [32]. In a phenomena-driven computer science education approach, understanding students’ conceptions is essential for designing lessons [13]. Known by many terms – mental models [33, 50], beliefs [9, 33, 44], misconceptions [9, 46], alternative frameworks/conceptions [10, 15, 17, 51] or myths [2, 22] – the supposedly incorrect prior knowledge [46] of varying complexity determines the learning of students to a significant extent: “Research on students’ (alternative) conceptions in science has revealed that students prior conceptions severely influence, even determine learning of the science conceptions presented in class, in textbooks or the like. It is one of the ‘sad’ messages from this research that science instruction appears in general not to be too successful in guiding students from their preinstructional conceptions to the science conceptions” [17, p. 47]. Under this assumption, we refer in this paper to conceptions, analogous to terminology such as beliefs, ideas, or mental models, in the sense of linguistically expressed, conflated, naïve explanations of terms and contexts by students.
Taking into account findings on students’ conceptions is also crucial for eliciting conceptual change [17]. Up to this point, research on students’ conceptions is a recent field in computer science education [5, 7, 14, 26, 29, 40]. However, in computer science education, the research process typically stops once students’ conceptions have been identified. This paper aims to propose and discuss a methodological approach to foster a comprehensive conceptual understanding that aligns with scientifically correct conceptions (hereafter denoted as conceptual change) based on students’ conceptions research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and tentative results of a small experimental study with secondary school students.

2 Theoretical Background

The thematic focus of this article combines various research areas, which are briefly presented below. First, conceptual change theory and students’ conceptions of AI are considered. Subsequently, conceptual change texts and related research findings are presented as an approach to conceptual change.

2.1 Conceptual Change Theory and Students’ Conceptions on AI

The problem described by Duit [17] of guiding students’ (pre-) conceptions to (correct) scientific conceptions is referred to as conceptual change [38, 49]. Various theories on this have existed since the 1960s [49]. Students’ conceptual change takes place according to the approach described as the “classical” [49] approach by Posner et al. [38] at different levels. A distinction is made between two types: assimilation and accommodation [18, 38]. These represent patterns of learning similar to the acquisition of scientific knowledge. Assimilation is the phase of conceptual change in which known concepts are used to explain new phenomena. Accomodation is the stage at which the known concepts are no longer sufficient or inadequate to explain the new phenomenon and the learner has to replace or restructure these concepts [38]. According to Posner et al. [38], the latter in particular is the approach that needs to be considered when it comes to conceptual change, which is seen critical by many perspectives [49]. Accordingly, a student’s conceptual change can be triggered by cognitive conflicts based on dissatisfaction with their own conception compared to scientific reality/reasoning [18, 38, 49]. This theory is based on the fact that learners are presented with a substitute conception in class, whereby 1) there is dissatisfaction with existing conceptions, 2) the new conception is intelligible, 3) appears plausible to the learner and 4) suggests the possibility of a fruitful program [49, p. 11]. Vosniadou [49] discusses that this is a slow process, during which fragmentation and misconceptions can be created and which requires fundamental changes in student’s ontological, and epistemological commitments and in their representations. The framework theory [49] approach explains “the formation of misconceptions and of fragmentation as the result of the application of constructive types of mechanisms on incompatible knowledge structures [...], the product can either be an internally inconsistent –- fragmented –- conception or a misconception” [49, p. 15].
Student conceptions and the associated conceptual changes in computer science education are typically examined within the framework of educational reconstruction [13], drawing from phenomenological centering and its relation to technological clarification and social demands, in a similar way to how it is done in biology education [22]. Students’ conceptions – as the basis of the conceptual change theory – are therefore an essential component of the educational reconstruction of computer science and always interact with the selection of phenomena, the clarification of subject content and concepts, and teachers’ conceptions in equally important ways [13].
A relatively new field of research in computer science education is the educational reconstruction [13] of the subject area of artificial intelligence (AI). Kreinsen and Schulz [29, p. 1] argue that this is the case: “Due to technological developments and socially relevant issues in the last decade, the field of artificial intelligence offers a wide range of new possibilities to integrate it in computer science lessons”.
Kreinsen and Schulz [29] examined students’ conceptions using semi-structured interviews. The results show that the functionality of AI is described by the students as the storage and retrieval of pre-programmed data. Cookies in web browsers or voice assistants in cell phones were mentioned as familiar AI systems from everyday life. Furthermore, the students surveyed equated AI with robots, similar to the findings of Ellis et al. [19]. They also described AI as the brain of a robot. In addition, students assume that AI systems are pre-programmed and cannot learn independently [29].
Mertala, Fagerlund and Calderon [31] asked primary school students in an online survey and collected conceptions 1) of the kind of technology AI is, 2) of where AI is, 3) of why AI is used. Some results draw: AI is like a human, only trapped in a machine; there is no real-time input from humans; machines are programmed to solve a task on their own; AI only does what it is told; AI is capable of picking up information using various sensors, both auditory and visual [31].
Similar findings were uncovered analyzing primary school pupils’ conceptions of AI by Ottenbreit-Leftwich et al. [34]. In interviews, the students mainly associated AI with programming and were convinced that every single AI was programmed by humans. Thus, they argued, AI systems can only implement exactly what they were programmed to do by a human. Several other studies [26, 4, for example] exist on student conceptions of AI and are currently being researched.
Nevertheless, hardly any approaches in computer science education are known to date that go one step further towards a conceptual change. As already suggested by Schulz and Pinkwart [42], we were looking for a methodological approach in the long successfully established education of STEM subjects to clarify a question in computer science education. One methodological approach to achieve conceptual change is the usage of conceptual change texts [12].

2.2 Conceptual Change Texts

Initial research results indicate that ordinary/traditional text structures commonly used in education may not be adequately effective for improving students’ understanding of subject-specific concepts in both the short and long term [24]. In studies examining effective teaching strategies within conceptual change frameworks, conceptual change texts (CCT) have emerged as a particularly beneficial tool, particularly in secondary science disciplines [12, 35, 36, 53].
According to Grospietsch and Mayer [23], a CCT consists of the following parts, based on the phases of conceptual change: 1.) Make pre-concepts explicit: The initial stage of a CCT involves students expressing their stance on a statement (student conception) through free text, with the objective of recalling their own conceptions. 2.) Create cognitive conflicts: The subsequent section comprises the textual content itself, which takes up the students’ conceptions, identifies and contrast disparities from the subject-specific concept, and offers impulses to challenge and refute the students’ initial conceptions. “The text itself had the function to first introduce the relevant misconception and then ask whether they could really be true” [21, p. 8]. As a result, there could be a cognitive conflict between the students’ initial conception and the scientifically correct conception. The linguistic design of the texts is crucial here. The text should address the students directly [37], be comprehensible (few technical terms, vivid examples, etc.) and plausible (convincing arguments supported by sources and further literature) as well as fruitful (reference to examples from the students’ lifeworld and stimulate critical questions) [38]. 3.) Offer a substitute conception: During the third part, students recall their conceptions using the statement provided in the first part, reflecting on them through free-text responses in light of the differences outlined in the text. Ultimately, the initial conception could either be expanded or discarded. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of conceptual change texts (the three parts are here structured in three tasks for the students).
Figure 1:
Figure 1: General structure of conceptual change texts [28]

2.3 Related Empirical Results Regarding Conceptual Change Texts

In their quasi-experimental study, Çakir, Geban, and Yürük [8] explored the effectiveness of CCTs on students’ understanding of the cellular respiration concept in biology. The experimental group, consisting of 44 eleventh-grade students, received CCT-centered biology instruction, while the control group of 40 students at the same grade level was taught using traditional texts. Both groups underwent a pre-post test assessment, which included a Cellular Respiration Concepts Test (CRCT) and an Attitude Scale towards Biology as a School Subject (ASTB). Derived from educational literature on student conceptions of cellular respiration and teacher interviews, the CRCT contains items that students must select in a multiple-choice format based on whether they agree or disagree with them. The ASTB inquires about attitudes towards biology as a school subject by asking students to classify them on a 5-point Likert scale. The t-test carried out on the results of the pre-test showed no significant differences between the experimental and control groups. Following the post-test, a significant difference was observed between the experimental group and the control group in terms of the concepts (CRCT) related to cellular respiration, as indicated by a t-test. Thus, the research highlights the enhanced efficacy of CCTs compared to traditional texts in teaching biology, particularly regarding the topic of cellular respiration [8].
Beerenwinkel, Parchmann, and Gräsel [3] similarly explored the effectiveness of CCTs in the field of chemistry concerning students’ understanding of prevalent conceptions related to the particle model of matter. This research also adopts a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test to assess students’ common conceptions. The study involved a sample of students, with one-third in seventh grade and two-thirds in eighth grade, who were at a comparable level and undergoing their initial year of chemistry education. Results indicated a significantly stronger impact of CCTs over traditional texts. Moreover, there was no indication that students with varying levels of prior knowledge benefited more or less from either teaching approach (with or without CCT).
These two studies are examples of the extent to which we transfer the approach used there to our study. Some other studies [52, 53] employing a comparable research design have demonstrated the effectiveness of CCTs. This study aims to transfer the methodological approach from science education to computer science education due to the absence of conceptual change approaches in this field. The following research question is the focus of this study:
To what extent are conceptual change texts suitable for expanding students’ conceptions regarding artificial intelligence (AI) in computer science lessons?

3 Methods

Addressing this research question a similar quantitative approach as presented in the related literature [3, 8] is chosen. In the following subsections the general study design, the intervention lesson and the constructed CCT is presented.

3.1 Study Design

The study was carried out at a German secondary school grade 10 and 11. A total of 76 students took part in the study, attending four different computer science courses. Out of these, the questionnaires of 69 students, 22 female and 47 male, were filed out completely and processed. Half of the four courses were from grade 10 and the other half from grade 11. All of the participating courses were elective, so the students voluntarily chose to participate in computer science classes. All participants in the study have received computer science lessons since grade 8, which take place once a week in all age groups. The teaching staff explained that the subject of AI had not yet been taught, but that ChatGPT was known.
The methodology follows a pre- and post-test design. In order to analyze the enhancement of conceptual understanding based on the agreement to a certain conception, data was collected by means of a questionnaire.
This pre-test was piloted and revised prior to the main intervention. On the one hand, the questionnaire was intended to record the student’s prior knowledge of AI and to identify a concept that had particularly strong approval. The CCT was then created based on this agreement. The designed pre- and post-test contains a four-point Likert scale, where 0 - strongly disagree, 1 - disagree, 2 - agree, 3 - strongly agree. The various multiple choice items are created from already existing research findings on students conceptions of AI. To analyze the effectiveness of the CCT, the participating students were assigned to either an experimental or control group.
Table 1:
Phase in minutesExperimental groupControl group
Introduction: 15’Students write down initial ideas on the topic of AI and what they associate with the term and thus create their definition of AI.
Securing phase I: 5’Teacher presents definition of AI and clarifies questions.
 Students write down AI systems and group them together.
 Impulse 1: Which AI systems give us output in the form of ’answers’?
Elaboration: 15’-20’Teacher shows chat history with ChatGPT, which contains the same question three times, which ChatGPT each answers differently.
 Impulse 2: How can it be that ChatGPT responds differently to the same question? How does ChatGPT actually form answers?Impulse 2: How are these answers actually generated?
 Students share their assumptions.
Deepening: 30-35’Students work on the CCT and submit it to the teacher.Students work in groups of three people on different AI systems to work out through an online research how they generate answers and present their results to each other.
Securing phase II: 15’Students discuss their findings and the test.Students discuss their findings and compare similarities and differences between the systems.
Table 1: Intervention lessons in the control and experimental group

3.2 Lesson Design

First, all students got the pre-test one week before the intervention. One week after the intervention the post-test occurred. In total, the study lasted for three weeks. The experimental group (N = 34 students) received a teaching intervention focusing on the CCT, while the control group (N = 35 students) was taught without the CCT. The lessons lasted 90 minutes in both groups. The following table shows the different, yet comparable lessons (see Table 1).

3.3 Test Instrument: Conceptual Change Text

In respect to the research question a CCT with the following structure [23] was developed:
Task 1: First, the students got the task to comment on the statement “Every output of artificial intelligence is pre-programmed” in a written form.
Task 2: Afterwards they read the following text: You’ve probably tried out the new chatbot ChatGPT recently and noticed the following: No matter what question you asked the chatbot, it had a suitable answer to almost every question. Whether your input is a simple question, such as “What is a byte?”, or something more complex, such as “Write me a book summary of the book ’Faust’ by Goethe”. You are probably also familiar with some voice assistants, such as Siri from Apple or Alexa from Amazon. If you ask these voice assistants a question, they will also answer appropriately. Even if you make a search query on Google, the most suitable websites will be suggested to you based on your query. This means that no matter which artificial intelligence (AI for short) system you and your classmates would use, the developers of the AI system would have to have pre-programmed their own suitable output for every potential question or query. But this is not correct from a scientific perspective! For the developers of an AI system, it is even impossible! An AI system, such as ChatGPT, generates its answers based on its training data set and the algorithms on which the system is based. [...].
This text continues with the content clarification and examples to create a cognitive conflict and to deliver a scientifically correct concept.
Task 3: After reading the CCT the students were requested to read their statement from Task 1 and comment again on the same statement like before reading the text. Thus they revised their statement to broaden their conception.

3.4 Statistical Analysis

The results from the pre- and post-test were compared using the statistical software SPSS. Firstly, the mean values were compared with each other and significance test was carried out to assess the development of student’s conceptions with regard to the research question. In this case, the significance level was set at 5 %. If the significance is below 5 %, the test result is considered statistically significant. To carry out the significance test, a two-fold unpaired t-test was performed, which measures the difference in mean values between two groups in independent samples (in case of normal distribution), represented here by the experimental and control group. In this study the calculated mean values represent the student agreement to a common naïve conception. The greater the difference between the mean value of the two groups and the smaller the standard error, the less likely it is that the difference between the two groups is a coincidence.

4 Results

In this section the results of the students’ questionnaires are presented. Within the questionnaire the participants needed to express their agreement to the statement “Every output of artificial intelligence is pre-programmed” on a four point Likert scale (0 - strongly disagree, 1 - disagree, 2 - agree, 3 - strongly agree).
Table 2:
 Mean CGMean EGDifference
Pre-test1.97 (SD=0.79)1.88 (SD=0.98)0.09
Post-test1.49 (SD=0.74)0.59 (SD=0.66)0.9
Table 2: Pre- and post-test results
In Table 2 the results of the pre- and post-test are presented. In the pre-test the mean value of the control group (CG) is M = 1.97 and the experimental groups (EG) mean value is M = 1.88. The calculated difference of both groups is d = 0.09. After the intervention the post test (see Table 2) was conducted and the mean value of the control group reaches M = 1.49 where as the experimental group agreement is calculated with M = 0.59. In the post test the difference of both groups reaches d = 0.9.
The results of the unpaired t-test for the pre-test showed that no statistically significant difference was found between the mean values of the experimental and control groups (t = 0.4179, df = 67, p = 0.6774). When comparing the mean values of the post-test, a statistically significant result was found between the experimental group and the control group (t = 5.3125, df = 67, p < 0.0001). Furthermore we performed a paired t-test to analyze the development of the agreement within the groups. The results of the control group are considered to be statistically significant (t = 3.2400, df = 34, p = 0.0027). However, the results of the experimental group are considered to be statistically significant (t = 7.5392, df = 33, p < 0.0001).
To test on the normal distribution, we used a Shapiro-Wilk test, which did not confirm the normal distribution. Since N > 30 applies to both groups, the t-test is considered robust to the violation of the normal distribution assumption. Accordingly, the result of the Shapiro-Wilk test is irrelevant in this case [20, 25].
The results in Table 2 show that in both the control and the experimental group, the mean value of the students’ agreement with the students’ conceptions has fallen. However, the difference in the experimental group is more drastic, amounting to 1.29. According the t-test, the difference between the pre- and post-test in the experimental group is statistically significant, since p < 0.001 was reached. The data is published [39].

5 Discussion

In respect to conceptual change theory knowledge according to students’ conceptions is necessary to successfully achieve conceptual change towards a scientifically correct understanding of a concept. Here a logically break in the recent computer science education research gets visible and the research gap is uncovered.
First of all, it must be critically reviewed that under the term “conception(s)” – as mentioned at the beginning – many similar constructs such as mental models [33, 50], beliefs [9, 33, 44], misconceptions [9, 46], alternative frameworks/conceptions [10, 15, 17, 51] oder myths [2, 22] can be subsumed. All of which refer to the student’s supposedly incorrect prior knowledge of various kinds [46], but are not always suitable as measurable or observable artifacts in the sense of conceptual change. Here it is essential to clarify which of the conceptions already highlighted in empirical research work are really suitable in terms of conceptual change and which are not. For this, the pre-conceptions must be related to the scientific concepts to be taught or be composed of individual measurable/observable conceptual components [49]. In the groundwork on student conceptions of AI, however, it can be observed that it is often much more a matter of attitudes [30], which cannot be measured in the sense of a conceptual change, play a subordinate role here, but are relevant for the overall understanding of the subject matter to be taught [32] and can also be used in computer science lessons in the sense of educational reconstruction [13].
The aim of this paper is to test and discuss the influence of a conceptual change text (CCT) on students conceptions (represented by the student agreement) regarding the statement “Every output of artificial intelligence is pre-programmed”, since this includes a frequently occurring student conception in the literature and met with strong approval in a pilot test with secondary school students, as described. The study shows promising results regarding the effect of CCT on conceptual change in the cohort surveyed. Prior research presents a big variety of students’ conceptions of AI [4, 19, 26, 29, 31, 34]. It needs to be tested if this positive results can be reinforced for other conceptions found. Thus, it follows on the successful results from the area of science education [3, 8, 52, 53]. However, in order to be able to measure a long-term effect on the conceptual change, a follow-up test must also be carried out in future a few weeks after the post-test, as also suggested by Grospietsch and Mayer [22] according to several other studies referenced.
In the presented study, however, no textbook texts were used in the comparison group, as related work did [3, 8]. This is mainly due to the fact that textbooks in computer science rarely cover current school topics such as AI or appropriate textbook texts are not available in the target group language. It would be interesting to conduct similar studies with schoolbook texts from computer science to better compare the results of both fields.
Furthermore results from science education indicate the same effect of conceptual change texts on students, independent of their prior knowledge [8]. Due to the fact that a hurdle in computer science education is the quite heterogeneous prior experiences and conceptions of students towards computer science [6], it could be a well-suited instrument to equalize those differences.
It is also necessary to carefully consider and take into account so-called boomerang effects, which, according to Grospietsch and Mayer [23], lead to conceptions (referred to here by Grospietsch and Mayer [23] as “myths”) being favored and reinforced. These include long-term retention through the mere mention of a memorable scientific myth (boomerang effect of familiarity), the attractiveness of the simply formulated scientific myth in the face of too many scientific counterarguments (boomerang effect of information overload) and the distorted processing and reinforcement of a scientific myth in people with strong beliefs through confrontation with counterarguments (worldview boomerang effect) [23]. For this reason, we cannot exclude the possibility that the pre-conceptions to be changed have been reinforced among some students.
Based on the successful methodological transfer from the field of science education, other methods such as concept cartoons [11] or support through videos [1] should also be considered with regard to the creation of a conceptual change in computer science education. It could also be interesting to explore which other conceptual change activities might be more suitable than texts based on affective factors of learning, since these are highly important in this research field [18, 37].
In quasi-experimental studies, it is a challenge to design both learning environments in such a way that a fair comparison of both groups is possible [45]. In this intervention the experimental group got the explanation on the functionality of ChatGPT regarding the forming of answers. The control group needed to work out how different AI systems work by themselves. Due to this design it seems plausible to compare the groups’ answers. However, according to Taber [45] it should be carefully considered if the treatment conditions are comparable. Thus, we would critically argue whether “the ’standard’ provision” [45] is really the only available comparison or whether it could “be more informative, to test the innovation that is the focus of the study against some other approach already shown to be effective” [45, p. 93].
It should not go unmentioned that although artificial intelligence has always been a field of research in computer science [41] and is reflected in the numerous fundamental ideas of computer science [43], it is still hardly found in educational standards or curricula at secondary school level. However, studies show slowly growing progress, for example in Germany [48], the USA [47] or China, India and South Korea [27]. However, common standards to which educational research in the field of artificial intelligence and conceptual change can be oriented and classified accordingly are still lacking. In particular, the national standards of the AI4K12 initiative in the USA along the “Five Big Ideas of AI” [47] seem to provide a promising classification of concepts in the addressed educational field – even if it has yet to be validated – as Druga, Otero and Ko [16] have already used for teaching materials. It is therefore interesting to see to what extent students’ conceptions of AI and corresponding conceptual change activities can be classified along standards and implemented in the curriculum. This area of research therefore appears potentially promising for the future.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

The results are limited by the following factors. The cohort surveyed is relatively small to be able to make general statements. Initially only a computer science lesson based on CCT was tested against traditional computer science lessons. In the future it would be interesting to test the effectiveness of CCTs compared to schoolbook texts and factual texts or other conceptual change activities in comparison to the conceptual change text.
In addition, no follow-up test was conducted a few weeks after the post test to assess the consistency of knowledge gain. For these reasons, the number of students should be increased in future studies, schoolbook texts need to be developed and used as a counterpart for the control groups and a follow-up test is necessary. Furthermore, for more conceptions in different computer science topics conceptual change texts need to be developed and tested before a general success for computer science education can be concluded. In addition to the limitations mentioned, however, a first step has been taken towards successfully transferring the use of conceptual change texts to computer science education.


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Index Terms

  1. Leveraging Conceptual Change regarding Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Education



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      cover image ACM Other conferences
      Koli Calling '24: Proceedings of the 24th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research
      November 2024
      382 pages


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 13 November 2024

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      1. ai
      2. conceptual change
      3. conceptual change text
      4. computer science education
      5. quasi-experimental study
      6. chatgpt


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      Koli Calling '24

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