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Prompting Industrial Anomaly Segment with Large Vision-Language Models

Published: 28 December 2024 Publication History


Industrial Anomaly Detection (IAD) aims to identify and locate defects in images like industrial part defects, which is usually achieved by visual inspection methods. Existing works mostly design and train dedicated models for each anomaly category, which need abundant normal images and multiple training procedures. Such limitations prevent the above methods from being used in practice. To tackle the IAD task in a single model without the need for extra normal images, we propose a zero-shot IAD framework named Prompting Anomaly Segment Model (PASM). PASM extracts multimodal information from the images and then designs a novel pipeline to guide the general Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) to tackle the IAD task, which is out of the original targets of LVLMs. The proposed PASM can generate anomaly maps with high quality and high confidence. Experimental results on two widely used benchmark datasets demonstrate that PASM outperforms the models specially trained for anomaly segmentation in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Compared to suboptimal methods, we achieve 5.3%, 1.4% and 9.0% improvement in image-level AUC, pixel-level AUC and max-F1-pixel on the VisA dataset in zero-shot setting. In addition, PASM can be applied in a few-shot setting and obtain further improvement. The code and model will be released later.

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MMAsia '24: Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia
December 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 28 December 2024

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  1. IAD
  2. Image Segmentation
  3. Large Multi-modal Model


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MMAsia '24
MMAsia '24: ACM Multimedia Asia
December 3 - 6, 2024
Auckland, New Zealand

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