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Exploring Scalability of BFT Blockchain Protocols through Network Simulations

Online AM: 21 August 2024 Publication History


Novel Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) state machine replication protocols improve scalability for their practical use in distributed ledger technology, where hundreds of replicas must reach consensus. Evaluating the performance of BFT protocol implementations requires careful evaluation. We propose a new methodology using scalable network simulations to predict BFT protocol performance. Our simulation architecture allows for the integration of existing BFT implementations without modification or re-implementation, offering a cost-effective alternative to large-scale cloud experiments. We validate our method by comparing simulation results with real-world cloud deployments, showing that simulations can accurately predict performance at larger scales when network limitations dominate.
In our study, we applied this methodology to assess the performance of several “blockchain-generation” BFT protocols, including HotStuff, Kauri, Narwhal & Tusk, and Bullshark, under realistic network conditions (with constrained 25 Mbit/s bandwidth) and induced faults. Kauri emerges as the top performer, achieving 6742 operations per second (op/s) with 128 replicas, outperforming BullShark (2318 op/s) and Tusk (1952 op/s). HotStuff, using secp256k1 and BLS signatures, reaches 494 op/s and 707 op/s, respectively, demonstrating the efficiency of BLS-signature aggregation for saving bandwidth. This study demonstrates that state-of-the-art asynchronous BFT protocols can achieve competitive throughput in large-scale, real-world scenarios.


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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Online AM: 21 August 2024
Accepted: 16 July 2024
Revised: 14 June 2024
Received: 15 January 2024

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  1. performance
  2. simulation
  3. emulation
  4. Byzantine fault tolerance
  5. state machine replication
  6. consensus


  • Research-article


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