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Exploiting Pre-Trained Models and Low-Frequency Preference for Cost-Effective Transfer-based Attack

Published: 14 February 2025 Publication History


The transferability of adversarial examples enables practical transfer-based attacks. However, existing theoretical analysis cannot effectively reveal what factors contribute to cross-model transferability. Furthermore, the assumption that the target model dataset is available together with expensive prices of training proxy models also leads to insufficient practicality. We first propose a novel frequency perspective to study the transferability and then identify two factors that impair the transferability: an unchangeable intrinsic difference term along with a controllable perturbation-related term. To enhance the transferability, an optimization task with the constraint that decreases the impact of the perturbation-related term is formulated and an approximate solution for the task is designed to address the intractability of Fourier expansion. To address the second issue, we suggest employing pre-trained models as proxy models, which are freely available. Leveraging these advancements, we introduce cost-effective transfer-based attack (CTA), which addresses the optimization task in pre-trained models. CTA can be unleashed against broad applications, at any time, with minimal effort and nearly zero cost to attackers. This remarkable feature indeed makes CTA an effective, versatile, and fundamental tool for attacking and understanding a wide range of target models, regardless of their architecture or training dataset used. Extensive experiments show impressive attack performance of CTA across various models trained in seven black-box domains, highlighting the broad applicability and effectiveness of CTA.


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  • (2025)Introduction for the Special Issue on Trustworthy Artificial IntelligenceACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data10.1145/371218419:2(1-6)Online publication date: 15-Jan-2025

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  1. Exploiting Pre-Trained Models and Low-Frequency Preference for Cost-Effective Transfer-based Attack



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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
        ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 19, Issue 2
        February 2025
        651 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 14 February 2025
        Online AM: 25 July 2024
        Accepted: 14 July 2024
        Revised: 09 April 2024
        Received: 15 September 2023
        Published in TKDD Volume 19, Issue 2

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        Author Tags

        1. Deep Neural Networks
        2. Adversarial Examples
        3. Black-box Adversarial Attacks
        4. Transferability


        • Research-article

        Funding Sources

        • National Natural Science Foundation of China
        • Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Blockchain and Data Security, Zhejiang University
        • Alibaba Group through the Alibaba Innovation Research Program


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        • (2025)Introduction for the Special Issue on Trustworthy Artificial IntelligenceACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data10.1145/371218419:2(1-6)Online publication date: 15-Jan-2025

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