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Design Cards for Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Technologies: Integrating Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory into Human-Centered Design Processes

Published: 13 October 2024 Publication History


Despite the significant influence of culture on technology use, there is still lack of culturally sensitive approaches in mental health technology design within HCI. This paper introduces the Mental Health x Culture (MHxC) card deck, a translational tool developed to support researchers and designers in this space. Drawing on Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, the deck comprises double-sided cards that depict contrasting cultural values for the five cultural dimensions. Each card combines findings drawn from existing research and illustrative examples and provides targeted design considerations and creative inspirations. We discuss the process of creating the cards and feedback we gathered from UX designers and psychologists regarding the composition and potential value of the cards in supporting design processes. By making cultural considerations explicit and actionable, this tool encourages critical engagement with culture in technology design to help bridge the research-practice gap. The MHxC card deck has the potential to enhance cultural sensitivity in mental health technology design and support the integration of cultural awareness into human-centered design processes.


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  1. Design Cards for Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Technologies: Integrating Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory into Human-Centered Design Processes



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    NordiCHI '24 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2024 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
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