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View all- Yang WHe JLi Q(2024)ChartLine: Automatic Detection and Tracing of Curves in Scientific Line Charts Using Spatial-Sequence Feature Pyramid NetworkSensors10.3390/s2421701524:21(7015)Online publication date: 31-Oct-2024
Two control charts are usually used to monitor the process mean and variance separately. The mean is monitored using the $${\bar{{X}}}$$chart while the variance using either the standard deviation, S chart, or the range, R chart. Recently, numerous ...
Current high-resolution vision-language models encode images as high-resolution image tokens and exhaustively take all these tokens to compute attention, which significantly increases the computational cost. To address this problem, we propose ...
The adaptive multivariate EWMA (AMEWMA) and adaptive multivariate CUSUM (AMCUSUM) charts are recently proposed as they provide an overall good detection over a range of mean shift sizes than their non-adaptive conventional ...
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