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View all- Ghasemi EJugé VKhalighinejad GYazdanyar H(2025)Galloping in Fast-Growth Natural Merge SortsAlgorithmica10.1007/s00453-024-01285-687:2(242-291)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2025
We present a new sorting algorithm, called adaptive ShiversSort, that exploits the existence of monotonic runs for sorting efficiently partially sorted data. This algorithm is a variant of the well-known algorithm TimSort, which is the sorting algorithm ...
The consequences of the worst-case assumption NP=P are very well understood. On the other hand, we only know a few consequences of the analogous average-case assumption “NP is easy on average.” In this paper we establish several new results on the worst-...
Up to now, the most efficient sort function for a C library was a variant of Hoare's Quicksort (qsort, for short), which was proposed by Bentley and Mcllroy in the early 1990s. Here we call this library function BM qsort. This paper introduces a library ...
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