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View all- Rao XRadziuk SWatt CGardner P(2025)Progressful Interpreters for Efficient WebAssembly MechanisationProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/37048589:POPL(627-655)Online publication date: 9-Jan-2025
The maturation of the Web platform has given rise to sophisticated and demanding Web applications such as interactive 3D visualization, audio and video software, and games. With that, efficiency and security of code on the Web has become more important ...
Mechanisations of programming language specifications are now increasingly common, providing machine-checked modelling of the specification and verification of desired properties such as type safety. However it is challenging to maintain these ...
Model-based parser generators such as ModelCC effectively decouple language design from language processing. ModelCC allows the specification of the abstract syntax model of a language as a set of language elements and their relationships. ModelCC ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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