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Hardware-Aware Neural Dropout Search for Reliable Uncertainty Prediction on FPGA

Published: 07 November 2024 Publication History


The increasing deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) for critical decision-making amplifies the necessity for trustworthy AI, where uncertainty estimation plays a pivotal role in ensuring trustworthiness. Dropout-based Bayesian Neural Networks (BayesNNs) are prominent in this field, offering reliable uncertainty estimates. Despite their effectiveness, existing dropout-based BayesNNs typically employ a uniform dropout design across different layers, leading to suboptimal performance. Moreover, as diverse applications require tailored dropout strategies for optimal performance, manually optimizing dropout configurations for various applications is both error-prone and labor-intensive. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel neural dropout search framework that automatically optimizes both the dropout-based BayesNNs and their hardware implementations on FPGA. We leverage one-shot supernet training with an evolutionary algorithm for efficient dropout optimization. A layer-wise dropout search space is introduced to enable the automatic design of dropout-based BayesNNs with heterogeneous dropout configurations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework can effectively find design configurations on the Pareto frontier. Compared to manually-designed dropout-based BayesNNs on GPU, our search approach produces FPGA designs that can achieve up to 33× higher energy efficiency. Compared to state-of-the-art FPGA designs of BayesNN, the solutions from our approach can achieve higher algorithmic performance and energy efficiency.


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  1. Hardware-Aware Neural Dropout Search for Reliable Uncertainty Prediction on FPGA
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        cover image ACM Conferences
        DAC '24: Proceedings of the 61st ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
        June 2024
        2159 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 07 November 2024

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        DAC '24
        DAC '24: 61st ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
        June 23 - 27, 2024
        CA, San Francisco, USA

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        Overall Acceptance Rate 1,770 of 5,499 submissions, 32%

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        DAC '25
        62nd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
        June 22 - 26, 2025
        San Francisco , CA , USA


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