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MegTaiChi: dynamic tensor-based memory management optimization for DNN training

Published: 28 June 2022 Publication History


In real applications, it is common to train deep neural networks (DNNs) on modest clusters. With the continuous increase of model size and batch size, the training of DNNs becomes challenging under restricted memory budget. The tensor partition and tensor rematerialization are two major memory optimization techniques to enable larger model size and batch size within the limited-memory constrain. However, the related algorithms failed to fully extract the memory reduction opportunity, because they ignored the invariable characteristics of dynamic computational graphs and the variation among the same size tensors at different memory locations. In this work, we propose MegTaiChi, a dynamic tensor-based memory management optimization module for the DNN training, which first achieves an efficient coordination of tensor partition and tensor rematerialization. The key feature of MegTaiChi is that it makes memory management decisions based on dynamic tensor access pattern tracked at runtime. This design is motivated by the observation that the access pattern to tensors is regular during training iterations. Based on the identified patterns, MegTaiChi exploits the total memory optimization space and achieves the heuristic, adaptive and fine-grained memory management. The experimental results show, MegTaiChi can reduce the memory footprint by up to 11% for ResNet-50 and 10.5% for GL-base compared with DTR. For the training of 6 representative DNNs, MegTaiChi outperforms MegEngine and Sublinear by 5X and 2.4X of the maximum batch sizes. Compared with FlexFlow, Gshard and ZeRo-3, MegTaiChi achieves 1.2X, 1.8X and 1.5X performance speedups respectively on average. For the million-scale face recognition application, Meg-TaiChi achieves 1.8X speedup compared with the optimal empirical parallelism strategy on 256 GPUs.


2022. MegEngine is a fast, scalable and easy-to-use deep learning framework, with auto-differentiation.
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  1. MegTaiChi: dynamic tensor-based memory management optimization for DNN training



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      ICS '22: Proceedings of the 36th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
      June 2022
      514 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 28 June 2022

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      1. dynamic datafow graph
      2. tensor partition
      3. tensor rematerialization


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