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Co-operative Co-evolutionary Many-objective Embedded Multi-label Feature Selection with Decomposition-based PSO

Published: 12 July 2023 Publication History


Multi-label classification is an emerging machine-learning problem involving the prediction of a set of class labels based on the instance's features. In real-world problems, there are hundreds or thousands of features, many of which are irrelevant or redundant, resulting in a large search space for feature selection, i.e. to find small and discriminate feature subsets that improve the classification performance. Feature selection for multi-label classification is a many-objective optimisation problem with more than three main conflicting objectives: one of which is to reduce the number of selected features. There are many metrics for measuring multi-label classification performance, each of which can conflict with one another depending on the task. Hence, multi-label feature selection is a many-objective optimisation problem when three or more classification metrics and the number of selected features are optimised. In this paper, we propose to combine multi-label feature selection with evolutionary many-objective optimisation to address the above challenges and handle the trade-offs between multiple classification metrics and the number of selected features, using a decomposition-based algorithm. The results demonstrate that our proposed method is capable of finding discriminative and small feature subsets that can significantly improve the classification performances in comparison with other many-objective feature selection approaches.


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        GECCO '23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
        July 2023
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        Published: 12 July 2023


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        1. multi-label classification
        2. embedded feature selection
        3. many-objective
        4. decomposition


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        • (2024)Memetic multilabel feature selection using pruned refinement processJournal of Big Data10.1186/s40537-024-00961-211:1Online publication date: 6-Aug-2024
        • (2024)Many-Objective Jaccard-Based Evolutionary Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Imbalanced Data ClassificationIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence10.1109/TPAMI.2024.341619646:12(8820-8835)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2024
        • (2024)A Multimodal Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Filter Feature Selection in Multilabel ClassificationIEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence10.1109/TAI.2024.33805905:9(4428-4442)Online publication date: Sep-2024

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