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PipeSynth: Automated Synthesis of Microarchitectural Axioms for Memory Consistency

Published: 25 March 2023 Publication History


Formal verification can help ensure the correctness of today’s processors. However, such formal verification requires formal specifications of the processors being verified. Today, these specifications are mostly written by hand, which is tedious and error-prone. Furthermore, architects and hardware engineers generally do not have formal methods experience, making it even harder for them to write formal specifications. Existing methods for the automated synthesis of formal microarchitectural specifications utilise RTL implementations of processors for their synthesis, preventing their usage until RTL implementation of the processor has completed. This hampers the effectiveness of formal verification for processors, as catching design bugs pre-RTL can reduce verification overhead and overall development time.
In response, we present PipeSynth, an automated formal methodology and tool for the synthesis of µspec microarchitectural ordering axioms from small example programs (litmus tests) and microarchitectural execution traces. PipeSynth helps architects automatically generate formal specifications for their microarchitectures before RTL is even written, enabling greater use of formal verification on today’s microarchitectures. We evaluate PipeSynth’s capability to synthesise single axioms and multiple axioms at the same time across four microarchitectures. Our evaluated microarchitectures include an out-of-order processor and one with a non-traditional coherence protocol. In single-axiom synthesis, PipeSynth is capable of synthesising replacement axioms for 42 out of 46 axioms from our evaluated microarchitectures in under 2 hours per axiom. When doing multi-axiom synthesis, we are able to synthesise an entire microarchitectural specification for the in-order Multi-V-scale processor in under 1 hour, and can synthesise at least 4 nontrivial axioms at the same time for our other microarchitectures.


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ASPLOS 2023: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 3
March 2023
820 pages
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Published: 25 March 2023


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