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AdSEE: Investigating the Impact of Image Style Editing on Advertisement Attractiveness

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Online advertisements are important elements in e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and search engines. With the increasing popularity of mobile browsing, many online ads are displayed with visual information in the form of a cover image in addition to text descriptions to grab the attention of users. Various recent studies have focused on predicting the click rates of online advertisements aware of visual features or composing optimal advertisement elements to enhance visibility. In this paper, we propose Advertisement Style Editing and Attractiveness Enhancement (AdSEE), which explores whether semantic editing to ads images can affect or alter the popularity of online advertisements. We introduce StyleGAN-based facial semantic editing and inversion to ads images and train a click rate predictor attributing GAN-based face latent representations in addition to traditional visual and textual features to click rates. Through a large collected dataset named QQ-AD, containing 20,527 online ads, we perform extensive offline tests to study how different semantic directions and their edit coefficients may impact click rates. We further design a Genetic Advertisement Editor to efficiently search for the optimal edit directions and intensity given an input ad cover image to enhance its projected click rates. Online A/B tests performed over a period of 5 days have verified the increased click-through rates of AdSEE-edited samples as compared to a control group of original ads, verifying the relation between image styles and ad popularity. We open source the code for AdSEE research at

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (adfp439-2min-promo.mp4)
Online ads are important in e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and search engines. Many mobile ads are displayed with cover images and text to grab users' attention. We propose Advertisement Style Editing and Attractiveness Enhancement (AdSEE), which explores whether semantic editing can affect ad popularity. We train the first click rate predictor that uses GAN-based face latent codes in addition to traditional visual and textual features. We perform extensive offline tests to study how different semantic editing directions and coefficients may impact click rates. We utilize StyleGAN-based facial semantic editing and design a Genetic Advertisement Editor to efficiently search for the optimal edit directions and intensities for a given ad cover image to enhance its projected click rates. Online A/B tests performed over 5 days have verified the increased CTR of AdSEE-edited samples as compared to a control group of original ads, verifying the relation between image styles and ad popularity.
MP4 File (adfp439-20min-video.mp4)
Online ads are important in e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and search engines. Many mobile ads are displayed with cover images and text to grab users' attention. We propose Advertisement Style Editing and Attractiveness Enhancement (AdSEE), which explores whether semantic editing can affect ad popularity. We train the first click rate predictor that uses GAN-based face latent codes in addition to traditional visual and textual features. We perform extensive offline tests to study how different semantic editing directions and coefficients may impact click rates. We utilize StyleGAN-based facial semantic editing and design a Genetic Advertisement Editor to efficiently search for the optimal edit directions and intensities for a given ad cover image to enhance its projected click rates. Online A/B tests performed over 5 days have verified the increased CTR of AdSEE-edited samples as compared to a control group of original ads, verifying the relation between image styles and ad popularity.


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KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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  1. advertisement image editing
  2. click-through rate prediction
  3. genetic algorithms
  4. stylegan


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