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Controllable Image Synthesis via Feature Mask Coupling using Implicit Neural Representation✱

Published: 12 May 2023 Publication History


Implicit neural representation (INR) has emanated as a powerful paradigm for 2D image representation. Recent works like INR-GAN have successfully adopted INR for 2D image synthesis. However, these lack explicit control on the generated images as achieved by their 3D-aware image synthesis counterparts like GIRAFFE. Our work investigates INRs for the task of controllable image synthesis. We propose a novel framework that allows for manipulation of foreground, background and their shape and appearance in the latent space. To achieve effective control over these attributes, we introduce a novel feature mask coupling technique that leverages the foreground and background masks for mutual learning. Extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that our model can disentangle the latent space successfully and allows to change the foreground and/or background’s shape and appearance. We further demonstrate that our network takes lesser training time than other INR-based image synthesis methods.


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  1. Controllable Image Synthesis via Feature Mask Coupling using Implicit Neural Representation✱



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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    ICVGIP '22: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
    December 2022
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    Published: 12 May 2023


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    1. Generative adversarial networks
    2. controllable image generation
    3. foreground-background disentanglement
    4. implicit neural representation
    5. unsupervised learning


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