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10.1145/3569173.3569174acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescsercConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Generating syntaxfree development environments for real world programming languages

Published: 31 May 2023 Publication History


The prevailing concept when teaching computer science to beginners in school is visual programming, typically in the form of block based languages. Most approaches in this area involve special teaching languages like Scratch. Our approach connects the block based language concept seamlessly to conventional programming languages used in computer science, but for didactical purpose often to a core subset of such a language.
Generating a block editor for a language is a large effort and often done for every language individually. To tackle this, we developed a generalized framework which supports the development of visual editors for arbitrary formal languages. It is based on a grammar describing the formal language and compiles it to a block based editor interface which uses either our own visual representation or Google Blockly.
Beside presenting the approach through a series of examples, we also sketch applications of the approach for the languages XML, HTML, SQL and JavaScript. Apart from getting a visual editor, our implementation also allows the connection to a backend in the full conventional language, which completes the editor with the common semantics of the language, so that the language can also be executed in the context for which it was developed.

Supplementary Material

Presentation (2022 CSERC - Generating syntaxfree development environments.pdf)


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CSERC '22: Proceedings of the 11th Computer Science Education Research Conference
November 2022
65 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 31 May 2023


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  1. block editor
  2. language specification


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