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Service Model under the Lean Service and Machine Learning Approach to Increase External User Satisfaction: A case study in the health sector SMEs in Peru

Published: 25 January 2023 Publication History


The problem identified in the health sector was the low level of external user satisfaction in medical health centres. Due to this, a model based on Lean methodology (TPM and work standardization) and machine learning were developed to improve external user satisfaction. Furthermore, a case study was carried out to validate the model in a company in Metropolitan Lima. Through the analysis of indicators, an increase in the level of patient satisfaction to 81.40% was shown, taking into account the percentage of cancelled appointments, availability of the CT scanner, downtime due to failure, and CT scanner handling time.


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Index Terms

  1. Service Model under the Lean Service and Machine Learning Approach to Increase External User Satisfaction: A case study in the health sector SMEs in Peru



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    ICIBE '22: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering
    September 2022
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 25 January 2023


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    1. Lean Service
    2. Machine learning
    3. Small and Medium Enterprises
    4. Standardization
    5. Total Productive Maintenance


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    • Refereed limited


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