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Sketching Robot Programs On the Fly

Published: 13 March 2023 Publication History


Service robots for personal use in the home and the workplace require end-user development solutions for swiftly scripting robot tasks as the need arises. Many existing solutions preserve ease, efficiency, and convenience through simple programming interfaces or by restricting task complexity. Others facilitate meticulous task design but often do so at the expense of simplicity and efficiency. There is a need for robot programming solutions that reconcile the complexity of robotics with the on-the-fly goals of end-user development. In response to this need, we present a novel, multimodal, and on-the-fly development system, Tabula. Inspired by a formative design study with a prototype, Tabula leverages a combination of spoken language for specifying the core of a robot task and sketching for contextualizing the core. The result is that developers can script partial, sloppy versions of robot programs to be completed and refined by a program synthesizer. Lastly, we demonstrate our anticipated use cases of Tabula via a set of application scenarios.

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MP4 File (HRI21_fp1265.mp4)
This work presents Tabula, a novel, multimodal end-user development system for programming human-robot interactions. Tabula is motivated by the need for efficient, convenient, and minimally instrumented robot programming. In the pursuit of minimal instrumentation, Tabula's initial vision was to only allow verbal input. Feedback from a design study led Tabula to instead be designed as a multimodal application, in which end users sketch a rough path of the robot on a handheld tablet to contextualize a small set of verbal hints. Tabula then employs program synthesis to combine sketching and verbal input and produce an executable robot program. Tabula's capabilities were demonstrated using a set of test cases that covers multiple different ways in which Tabula can be used.


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HRI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
March 2023
631 pages
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Published: 13 March 2023

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