3.1.1 Coupled Epidemic-Testing Single City Model.
We first expand the standard four-state SEIR model to reflect reality better by considering different population groups (or compartments).
Population Groups/Compartments. The model distinguishes individuals into five population groups: susceptible, infected symptomatic, infected asymptomatic, and symptomatic but not COVID-19 infected (flu or general sickness), and falsely presumed susceptible:
We define susceptible as the population that is non-infected and displaying no symptoms associated with COVID-19.
Infected symptomatic and asymptomatic are the sections of the population infected with COVID-19 who are showing symptoms and not exhibiting symptoms, respectively.
Symptomatic but not infected are the people who are displaying symptoms (flu, general sickness) similar to COVID-19, but are not infected.
Falsely presumed susceptible population consists of people who have immunity from natural recovery, but erroneously test negative to COVID-19 antibodies.
As with the standard SEIR model, an individual enters and leaves these compartments according to the relevant transition rates and other parameters (Table
2). Different from the traditional set of dynamical equations, these transition rates are governed by four different processes: (a) asymptomatic testing, (b) symptomatic testing, (c) immunization, and (d) falsely presumed susceptible process (Figure
Exposure Dynamics. The exposure process is governed by the following equations:
where the total number of infected individuals at time
t is
Note that here the term
\(Infected(t)\) is the sum of all compartments that account for all infections and, thus, is the aggregate of all known and unknown infected individuals at time
t. Above, the infection rate parameter,
\(\beta\), represents the number of new daily infection produced by a single infectious individual and it is equivalent to the product of contact rate and disease transmission rate. Equivalently, the total number of new infected individuals will be
\(\beta \cdot Infected(t) \cdot \frac{S(t)}{N}\), and this population will move from susceptible to exposed, where N denotes the total population. The parameter,
\(\beta ^{^{\prime }}\), represents a higher infection rate parameter, which we apply to the
falsely presumed immune (FPI) individuals (i.e., individuals that falsely test positive to antibodies). More specifically, FPI is a recovered individuals that falsely tests positive for the serology, his/her risk is higher, since the individual will likely behave in the assumption of larger than actual protection. Finally, Equation (
2) shows that asymptomatic individuals (IA(t) and ATN(t)) and individuals before symptom onset (PA(t), PS(t)) infect at
r times the rate compared to symptomatic individuals.
Asymptomatic Testing Process. The
asymptomatic testing process emulates random testing to discriminate infected asymptomatic from the susceptible population. The asymptomatic population is divided into two groups,
infected asymptomatic and
not infected (susceptible). In practice, we cannot differentiate among these two groups of individuals without testing. Table
3 lists the sub-compartments relevant for the following equations that describe the asymptomatic testing process:
An individual exposed to the virus will proceed as an infected asymptomatic individual with
\(per_{a}\) rate; the virus will take
\(\eta\) days for incubation (during which the individual will be considered pre-asymptomatic) and after that period the individual will be considered infected asymptomatic (assuming that s/he does not show symptoms):
Infected asymptomatic population grows by pre-asymptomatic individuals becoming asymptomatic and shrinks by infected asymptomatic individuals recovering from the disease. Asymptomatic individuals testing negative also contribute to the infected asymptomatic population. If a government implements a random test for the asymptomatic population, then
\(\phi _{ai}\) rate of IA(t) individuals get tested with test type
Above, we assume that the
\(\lambda\) is the rate of IA(t) individuals recover naturally; in other words, this parameter governs the rate with which individuals, symptomatic or asymptomatic, obtain immunity to the disease through infection:
Individuals who are asymptomatic may receive random testing of different types, with different degrees of accuracies and may take different amount of time to produce a result.
The following equation models the impact of the response time,
\(\tau _{i}\), of test type
Since we cannot distinguish an infected asymptomatic and a susceptible one, random tests are being employed not only for the infected asymptomatic but also for the susceptible ones:
The specificity,
\(tn_{i}\), of the test impacts the true negativity rate for the test:
However, a portion of the asymptomatic individuals may also test negative:
Once testing positive, the asymptomatic individual is quarantined for
\(\lambda _{q}\) days:
If a test result is falsely positive, then a non-infected susceptible individual will be, falsely, quarantined for
\(\lambda _{q}\) days:
At the end of the quarantine period, the individual is assumed to recover:
Note that the above equation accounts for populations other than asymptomatic individuals who leave the quarantine. In particular, FSQ denotes those individuals who are falsely presumed susceptible and thus wrongly quarantined (Table
6), QSP denotes symptomatic individuals who are quarantined with positive test results (Table
4), and HT
\(_i\) denotes portion of the population that received test
i while hospitalized (Table
Symptomatic Testing Process. The symptomatic testing process is designed to model the testing process for individuals who show COVID-19 like symptoms. We categorize symptomatic individuals into three populations: (a) COVID-infected symptomatic, (b) general sickness (fever, coughing), and (c) flu symptomatic. We assume that these populations can be distinguished through diagnostic testing.
Much like the asymptomatic process discussed above, the process consists of testing, isolation, and quarantine sub-processes. Unlike the asymptomatic process, however, the symptomatic process also includes hospitalization and death for severe cases. The compartments presented in Table
4 along with the following differential equations define the transitions between relevant states in the symptomatic process.
An individual exposed to the virus will proceed as an infected symptomatic individual with
\(per_s\) rate; the virus will take
\(\eta\) days for incubation (during which the patient is pre-symptomatic) and after that period the individual will be considered infected symptomatic (assuming that s/he does show symptoms):
Analogously to the asymptomatic population (Equation (
4)), when the diagnostic tests are implemented for the symptomatic population,
\(\phi _{si}\) rate of infected symptomatic (IS(t)) individual get tested with test types
i. As before, assume that
\(\lambda\) rate of IS(t) individuals recover naturally; in this case, however, we also take into account
\(\kappa\) and
h rates of IS(t) individuals are dead and hospitalized with the severe cases, respectively:
As before,
\(\tau _{i}\), represents response time of test type
If testing positive, then the symptomatic individual is quarantined for
\(\lambda _{q}\) days until recovery; i.e., similarly to corresponding equation (Equation (
10)) under asymptomatic testing process, we have
Recovery process is governed by Equation (
12) listed earlier, replicated below for quick reference:
If a symptomatic individual falsely tests negative, then the individual will continue contributing to the spreading of the virus:
Equation (
5), considered earlier for asymptomatic individuals and listed below for quick reference, also captures the rate,
\(\lambda\), with which symptomatic individuals recover from the disease and are (naturally) immunized:
Note that Equation (
19) is the same as Equations (
5) for the asymptomatic testing process, replicated here for completeness.
If their situation worsens, with rate
h, then symptomatic individuals, before or during quarantine, may be admitted to a hospital:
Individuals leave the hospital either through a negative test result (with more accurate test 1) or through death. After spending
\(\lambda _{h}\) days in the hospital, the hospitalized individuals will take a test to check if the virus is still active and they will keep being hospitalized when the result is positive:
Otherwise, they move to the recovered compartment as described in Equation (
The death rate for hospitalized individuals is
\(\kappa _{h}\),while the death rate for symptomatic individuals who are not hospitalized is,
During the epidemic, portion of the non-infected population may also show COVID-19 like symptoms due to other illnesses and they may need to be tested. The following two equations leverage the
flu and
\(g_{sick}\) rate parameters to describe the portion of the population that show flu-like and general sickness symptoms, such as fever and coughing, indistinguishable from COVID-19:
Since they show COVID-19 like symptoms, these individuals may be subject to symptomatic testing, analogous to Equation (
Even though these individuals are not COVID-19 infected, in the case of a false positive, they will be quarantined for
\(\lambda _{q}\) days:
those non-infected patients whose test are true negative return to the susceptible population:
Immunity Process. The role of the immunity process is to model how individuals who recover from COVID-19 obtain immunity against reinfection for a certain period of time. This model is governed with sub-compartments presented in Table
5 along with the following equations:
Any person who recovers from the disease (KR(t)), will have immunity for
\(\gamma\) days. The recovered individuals are divided into two groups: (a) individuals having immunity and (b) those who do not get sufficient immunity. We assume that the government will administer serology tests at a predetermined rate,
\(\phi _{se}\), for both groups, IM(t) and FPI(t), since we cannot discriminate an individual having immunity from those who lost immunity without a serology test. The serology test takes
\(\tau _{se}\) days to provide the result:
Some of the individuals (STI) who receive serology tests are immune, while others may be FPI:
Note that a group of individuals may be Falsely Presumed Immune (FPI(t)) for various reasons: (a) the individual may lose immunity (IM(t-
\(\gamma\))), (b, c) some individuals may be quarantined after false-positive result with flu symptoms (FSQ(t-
\(\lambda _{q}\)), after a general sickness (GSQ(t-
\(\lambda _{q}\))), or (d) after a testing error ((NTQ(t-
\(\lambda _{q}\))):
For these individuals, we apply higher infection rate (
\(\beta ^{\prime } \gt \beta\)) in Equation (
1), because these individuals are likely to socialize more than pure susceptible ones.
Finally, like the diagnostic tests, the serology tests are also imperfect. We use accuracy of \(tp_{se}\) and \(tn_{se}\) for sensitivity and specificity, respectively.
Falsely Presumed Susceptible Process. The falsely presumed susceptible process is designed to consider those individuals recovered naturally from the COVID-19. These individuals have immunity against the disease, but they think themselves susceptible. To model this group of individuals, we consider the sub-compartments listed in Table
6, along with the following equations:
As formalized in Equation (
5), unknown recovered individuals, who had COVID-19 but recovered naturally, have immunity against COVID-19. These individuals move to the
falsely presumed susceptible (FPS), since they regard themselves susceptible. Other individuals who are falsely presumed susceptible include individuals who are already falsely presumed negative and test negative for a diagnostic test and others who are immune, but receive a false negative for a serology test:
Note that, as captured in the above equation, these individuals will lose immunity after
\(\gamma\) days and move to the pure susceptible compartment. The above equation also captures that, while they are falsely presumed susceptible, they may be subject to regular random testing strategies, with rate,
\(\phi _{ai}\). These tested individuals move to the corresponding FST compartment:
Some of these falsely presumed susceptible individuals will test negative:
Others, however, may test positive and get quarantined for
\(\lambda _{q}\) days, due to testing errors:
3.1.2 Spatially Informed SIRTEM Model.
We note that the coupled epidemic/testing model described so far is not spatially informed. In particular, it assumes one group of individuals, whose interactions are defined through a single mixing rate. Moreover, the model further ignores the possibility of different geographic locations applying different testing policies. To account for these, we therefore extend the model with spatially indexed compartments along with spatially informed parameters and mixing rates. Let \({\mathcal {S}} = \lbrace s_1, \ldots , s_M \rbrace\) be a set of spatial locations.
Spatially indexed model compartments: Tables
6 list the compartments of the base model. In the spatially informed model, each of these components are spatially indexed: for example, each spatial location
\(s_i\) has a corresponding
susceptible population,
\(S_{(i)}\), and an
exposed population
Spatially informed mixing rates: The infection rate parameter,
\(\beta\), in Table
2 includes two components: transmission rate, which (ignoring the local mutations of the disease) is a spatially insensitive parameter, and the contact/mixing rate,
\(\mu \in [0,1]\), which depends on the behaviors of local populations, and therefore is spatial-sensitive:
\(\mu\) is the likelihood of each individual in the population to interact with other individuals in the same population.
The above equation, however, would fail to take into account potential mixing among spatially distributed population groups due to mobility patterns (such as daily commute between spatial regions). We, therefore, extend the above model as follows:
\(\mu _{(i,j)} \in [0,1]\) denotes the likelihood of an individual in population at spatial location
\(s_i\) to interact with an individuals in the spatial location
\(s_j\). Consequently,
\(\beta _{(i,j)}\) models the transmission of the disease from one population to another due to the underlying mobility patterns. We, therefore, revise the part of the model that governs the exposure process as follows:
Above, as described earlier, the parameter \(\beta ^{^{\prime }}\) represents the larger infection coefficient that applies to the falsely presumed immune individuals who potentially have larger mixing rates compared to the susceptible population. The value of r, in contrast, takes into account the fact that the \(transmission\_rate\) parameter is lower for asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic individuals than the fully symptomatic individuals.
In this article, we consider two alternative sources of data to compute mixing rates: the worker mobility data available at Reference [
13], and the monthly mobility dataset from SafeGraph [
34]. In the following, we discuss the calculation of the mixing rates with these sources.
Obtaining the Mixing Rates using Worker Mobility Data. The data source available at Reference [
29] provides the interaction rate of people at home, work, and other activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, this data source provides data about the number of per person daily interactions over time during different waves of the epidemic Table
7. While Reference [
29] does not include any spatial differentiation, we combine this data source with the work commute data available at Reference [
13] to partition the mixing rate into to three spatially differentiated components:
\(h_{(i,j)}\) is the rate with which infected individuals in city
i interact with susceptible people in city
j in the
home context,
\(w_{(i,j)}\) is the rate with which infected individuals in city
i interact with susceptible people in city
j in the
work context, and
\(o_{(i,j)}\) is the rate with which infected individuals in city
j interact with susceptible people in city
i in all
other contexts. In the following, we define the three interaction contexts:
At-home mixing: To compute the rate of interactions in the home context, we make the simplifying assumption that, at home, individuals only interact with those individuals living in the same city; i.e.,
Given this assumption, we can obtain the
at-home mixing rate,
\(h_{(i,i)}\), at city
i as
\(num\_home\_interaction\) is the number of per day, per person at-home interactions reported in Table
7 and
\(pop_i\) is the population of the
ith city.
At-work mixing: To compute the rate of interactions in the work context, we rely on the commute rate data available from Reference [
13]. More specifically,
Above, the first term indicates the interaction rate due to individuals traveling from city
j to city
i for work-related reasons: more specifically,
\(W_{j}\) is the number of workers living in city
j and
\(W_{j\rightarrow i}\) is the number of those that commute to city
i for work.
The second term, however, is the interaction rate due to individuals traveling from city i to city j for work: \(W_{i\rightarrow j}\) is the number of people that commute from city i to city j for work, while \(\sum _{h}W_{h\rightarrow j}\) is the number of individuals working in city j.
Other mixing: To obtain non-home, non-work mixing rates, we assume that the rate interaction among individuals is inversely proportional with the square of their distance; i.e.,
\(num\_other\_interaction\) is the number of non-home, non-work-related interactions reported in Table
7 and
\(Z_{(i,j)}\) is the population of city
i normalized with the square of the distance between cities
i and
We obtained the distance
\(\delta _{(i,j)}\) between cities
i and
j from Reference [
56] and approximated
\(\delta _{(i,i)}\) as
\(min_h\left(\delta _{(i,h)}\right)/2\).
We note that the probability of getting infected upon each contact may vary with scenes – for example, the risk of getting infected is larger in closed environments. This is apparent in winter surges of the COVID-19 epidemic. Our model does not explicitly account for the in-door and out-door interactions; however, we treat the parameter \(\beta\) as a learnable parameter, whose values changing across time can indicate differences in the way individuals interact at a particular location.
When working with this data set, as explained in detail in Section
4, we considered 11 cities of the Maricopa County of Arizona to compute inter- and intra-city mixing rates.
Obtaining the Mixing Rates Using SafeGraph Mobility Data. As an alternative to the above mixing rate computations, we also computed a second set of mixing rates using the monthly mobility dataset from SafeGraph [
34]. SafeGraph aggregates anonymized mobility data using various mobile applications. This dataset captures the mobility data of the general population between
Census Block Groups (CBGs) and
Points of Interest (POIs). CBGs are geographical regions with a population size generally between 600 and 3,000. POIs can be restaurants, grocery or any kind of stores, and religious establishments. We used the same 11 cities of the Maricopa County of Arizona for inter- and intra-city mixing rates. Since SafeGraph data provides raw data based on 5%–10% of the actual data, we have normalized the data using a location specific multiplier. The mixing rate was partitioned into three spatially differentiated components as follows:
At-home mixing: At-home mixing,
\(h_{(i,j})\) was computed using the same calculations as the previous mixing rate computation. Since the SafeGraph dataset includes the general mobility data, we have used the ratio of worker to non-workers using Table
At-work mixing: At-work mixing, \(w_{(i,j)}\) was computed using the same equation as the previous mixing rate calculation.
Other mixing:Here, the first term indicates the interaction rate due to individuals traveling from city
j to city
i for reasons other than work: more specifically,
\(O_{j}\) is the number of non-workers living in city
j and
\(O_{j\rightarrow i}\) is the number of those that commute to city
i for non-work-related reasons. The second term, however, is the interaction rate due to individuals traveling from city
i to city
j for reasons other than work:
\(O_{i\rightarrow j}\) is the number of people that commute from city
i to city
j for reasons other than work, while
\(\sum _{h}O_{h\rightarrow j}\) is the number of non-workers in city
We note, in general, that accurate mobility data is hard to obtain in practice [
90] proposes how mobile phone data can be used to characterize mobility pattern in developing countries; but, in any technically based solution to the problem, quality of data across regions are likely to vary as the reviewer suggested. To accommodate this, the model and the optimization framework can be extended to allow noise and values ranges as in our prior works [
92]; but this is outside of the scope of this work.