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When XR and AI Meet - A Scoping Review on Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


Research on Extended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is booming, which has led to an emerging body of literature in their intersection. However, the main topics in this intersection are unclear, as are the benefits of combining XR and AI. This paper presents a scoping review that highlights how XR is applied in AI research and vice versa. We screened 2619 publications from 203 international venues published between 2017 and 2021, followed by an in-depth review of 311 papers. Based on our review, we identify five main topics at the intersection of XR and AI, showing how research at the intersection can benefit each other. Furthermore, we present a list of commonly used datasets, software, libraries, and models to help researchers interested in this intersection. Finally, we present 13 research opportunities and recommendations for future work in XR and AI research.

1 Introduction

Extended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become prominent research topics in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Science in general. Previously, research on these topics happened primarily within their respective fields. However, tools and technologies such as Unity3D and Keras have made XR and AI more accessible to researchers from different domains and backgrounds. As a consequence, a new research field has emerged at the intersection of XR and AI. On the one hand, XR researchers employ AI methods for problems, such as foveated rendering [357], object tracking [202, 416], or predicting virtual reality (VR) sickness [199, 373]. On the other hand, AI researchers use XR technologies to address issues, such as understandability, say, by visualizing neural networks in VR [243], and explainability, for example, by providing immersive interfaces to train machine learning (ML) models for non-experts [125]. Furthermore, in 2018, ACM and IEEE launched new conferences to specifically address research at the intersection of XR and AI1,2.
Currently, it is difficult to obtain an overview of the research at this intersection. There are some reviews that summarize the literature on XR and AI for certain topics. For example, they analyze intelligent embodied agents [262], production systems [299], or specific use cases, such as surgery simulations [383] or medical education [99]. However, the purpose of these works is to answer a specific question on applying XR and AI to an external use case. In contrast, we aim to provide a comprehensive account of the current landscape and research directions at the intersection of XR and AI. To remedy this situation, we present a scoping review covering 311 papers published between 2017 and 2021. Scoping reviews aim to map the breadth of the available evidence [340]. In doing so, we follow the process suggested by Cooper et al. [68] and Aromataris and Munn [21]. First, we screened 2619 publications from 203 venues to cover the broad spectrum of XR and AI research. For the search, we used an inductively built set of XR and AI terms. The venues include research from XR, AI, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and others (see section D for a complete list of the venues). After a two-phase screening process, we reviewed and extracted data from 311 full papers based on a code book with 26 codes about the research direction, contribution, and topics of the papers, as well as the algorithms, tools, datasets, models, and data types the researchers used to address research questions on XR and AI. The extracted data for these codes form the basis for our predominantly narrative synthesis. As a result, we found five main topics at the intersection of XR and AI: (1) Using AI to create XR worlds (28.6%), (2) Using AI to understand users (19.3%), (3) Using AI to support interaction (15.4%), (4) Investigating interaction with intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) (8.0%), and (5) Using XR to Support AI Research (2.3%). The remaining 23.8% of the papers apply XR and AI to an external problem, such as for medical training applications (3.5%) or for simulation purposes (3.0%). Finally, we summarize our findings in 13 research opportunities and present ideas and recommendations for how to address them in future work. Some of the most pressing issues are a lack of generative use of AI to create worlds, understand users, and enhance interaction, a lack of generalizability and robustness, and a lack of discussion about ethical and societal implications.
In summary, we make the following contributions: First, we summarize the state-of-the-art XR and AI research by presenting a typology including five main topics. We also provide a dataset of the reviewed papers, including the extracted data for the codes. Second, we present an overview of algorithms, tools, datasets, models, data types, and user study data from the reviewed papers. We also provide a list of commonly used datasets, software, libraries, ML networks, and models in section A. This list can help researchers interested in XR and AI research to find suitable tools. Third, we critically discuss current research gaps, and provide 13 research opportunities, as well as recommendations for future work.

2 Background

In this section, we first discuss existing reviews on particular issues in XR and AI research. Second, we introduce our understanding of the terms XR and AI.

2.1 Literature Reviews on XR and AI

Existing reviews on XR and AI typically focus on a particular aspect about XR and AI research, but do not cover their intersection comprehensively. Lampropoulos et al. [186], for example, reviewed applications of deep learning, semantic web, and knowledge graphs to improve augmented reality (AR). They identified object detection, image processing, and computer vision as three areas where deep learning can enhance user experience and services in AR. Throughout the paper, AI is expressed as a technology to enhance the detection of input like gestures or speech in AR. However, the paper is not specific on which techniques should be used for these purposes. Furthermore, there are many reviews of IVAs [262, 263]. Norouzi et al. [262] presented a systematic review on embodied agents in AR head-mounted displays (HMDs). They identified the application of embodied agents in assistive and collaborative roles as one of the emerging trends. One of the major challenges in this area is to enhance agents’ understanding of their physical environment. Another two emerging trends are the use of agents as companions (e.g., as therapy partners) and the modeling of agent personality and empathy. Other articles focused on IVAs in a certain domain, for example, for education and training [300], professional skills training [42], or healthcare [225]. Some reviews specifically address empathy [270] or the nonverbal behavior [30] of agents. We also found reviews that synthesize literature about applying both XR and AI for a specific use case. A frequent example of this category are works from the medical domain, such as clinical simulation for nursing pain education [119], using ML to assess surgical expertise in a VR simulation [383], personalizing doctor-patient surgical risk communication [14], or about the application of AI and AR/VR in medical education [99]. These papers cover individual topics that report on insights about applying AI and XR (mainly VR or AR) to a particular external use case, like in the medical domain. However, the state of the art of XR and AI research is not addressed by these papers. We not only differ from these reviews in methodology (i.e., using a scoping review instead of a systematic review), but also in our aim of giving an overview of the state of the art.
We found three papers that describe the broad range of research at the intersection of XR and AI. Luck and Aylett [224] coin the term intelligent virtual environments in their 2000 article about “applying artificial intelligence to VR”. A key concept that they use to discuss work on intelligent virtual environments is the concept of autonomy. Being very much an outlook into future systems, their work provides an interesting preamble to our work. Ribeiro de Oliveira et al. [299] reviewed papers with a focus on how VR and AI are applied to specific problems in “industry, commerce, services, logistics, processes, or systems”. This complements our research, which focuses on basic research at the intersection of the two fields without addressing how both technologies are applied to such an external problem. As a result, the authors point out that AI methods mostly contribute through high precision and high efficiency to VR problems (e.g., in surgery). The main drawbacks of applying AI for VR problems is a lack of training data and high computational costs. The most recent article in this area by Reiners et al. [296] is about the combination of XR and AI research. The main applications of XR and AI, as revealed in their review, are training (i.e., medical and military), gaming, robots and autonomous cars, and advanced visualization. These existing reviews focus around fields that XR and AI are applied to. In general, a lot of research is going on in the medical domain and on training. The papers point out that computational costs and limited training data are two major issues that limit the current methods. The work by Luck and Aylett [224] is more conceptual, identifying autonomy as an important axis on which to describe intelligent virtual instances. In contrast to these works, our review is focusing on the state of basic research at the intersection of XR and AI. More precisely, we are not interested in the application domains XR and AI are applied to, but how they are used with respect to fundamental research questions, for example, about interaction techniques in XR or user characteristics.

2.2 Our Understanding of XR and AI

In the following, we characterize the understanding of XR and AI used in this work. XR is typically referred to as an umbrella term for VR, AR, and mixed reality (MR) [37, 112, 245, 293]. VR refers to overlaying the real world with virtual content by completely blocking real-world content. In contrast, AR refers to virtual objects being superimposed on an existing, three-dimensional real-world environment [23] using projection, optical, or video see-through devices. While researchers generally agree on these notions of VR and AR, the case is more complicated for MR [333]. The reality-virtuality continuum by Milgram and Kishino [246] typically serves as the basis for discussions around the term MR, but it has been criticised to not fully cover modern, more advanced technologies [333]. XR covers all of these notions (VR, AR, MR), and since we aim to cover the breadth of XR research, we include all of the above terms in our definition of XR.
In the case of AI, giving a definition is more challenging. Numerous articles aim to address the problem of defining AI [92]. As highlighted by Wang [375], early definitions of the term “indicate the same scope of intelligence as we see in human action” [261], or more abstractly note that “intelligence usually means the ability to solve hard problems” [249]. However, to date, “there is no widely accepted definition of AI” [375]. The ACM Computing Classification System3 lists AI, as well as ML, as computing methodologies, while in other cases ML is often considered a sub-category of AI. With our work, we do not aim to add another definition of AI to this collection. Our definition of AI is reflected in the set of keywords chosen for the search. To do that, we follow an inductive data-driven approach. We include articles that communicate on a high level that they used AI or specify a concrete method of AI. Since, to our knowledge, currently no clear list of such methods exists, we adopted an iterative approach to obtain AI terms.

3 Method

We aim to identify and examine the state of the art of XR and AI research and, therefore, chose to conduct a scoping review. Scoping reviews aim to “provide a preliminary assessment of the potential size and scope of available research literature” [340]. While systematic reviews typically focus on one precise question [340], scoping reviews aim to explore the “range of evidence” [277] rather than dive deep into one particular question [68, 159, 256]. Since their aim is to assess the full scope of literature on a topic, literature is included regardless of methodological quality [17]. Yet, some authors argue that some sort of quality assessment should take place to better identify critical gaps in evidence and not just a “lack of research” [197, 282]. Consequently, our aim is to cover a range of venues; and we only limited the publication type to full papers for quality assessment. Furthermore, a formal synthesis is typically not carried out (as opposed to systematic reviews that require a formal synthesis) [277]. Instead, scoping reviews present and structure the located evidence and give an overview of studies or research contributions conducted on a topic [277]. We followed the checklists suggested by Cooper et al. [68] and Aromataris and Munn [21] for conducting scoping reviews in the procedure and development of the protocol.

3.1 Research Questions and Rationale

This review is guided by the following research questions (RQs):
What are the main topics researched at the intersection of XR and AI?
What are the main problem areas that are addressed with XR and AI research?
How is the research conducted? In particular, what algorithms, tools, datasets, models, data types, and user study data are employed to conduct the research?

3.2 Search Strategy

3.2.1 Definition of Keywords.

It is a non-trivial task to choose an appropriate set of keywords that covers the full spectrum of XR and AI research. To avoid subjective bias, we chose to define the keywords through a data-driven approach. That means, we defined one XR-related and one AI-related keyword set based on the key terms that are used in the literature. Through this approach we ensure that we find the majority of related keywords and are not limited to our own knowledge or biases towards terms that we think describe XR and AI best.
Method to define XR-related keywords. We started with the keywords “extended reality”, “virtual reality”, “augmented reality”, and “mixed reality”. We then used this list to search the 2021 proceedings of two XR-related venues (ISMAR4 and VRST5). We compared the retrieved set of papers with the 2021 proceedings of both conferences and noted the papers that were not in the result list. Author A6 then read the title, abstract, and author keywords of these missed publications and identified additional XR terms (e.g., “head-mounted display” and “virtual space”). The aim of this process was to retrieve the full proceedings with the selected XR-related keyword list. Table 1 shows the full keyword list.
Method to define AI-related keywords. For the AI keywords we started with the keywords “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning”. We then searched the 2021 proceedings of two machine learning conferences (ICML7 and NeurIPS8) with this set of keywords and compared the result with the full proceedings. Again, author A went through title, abstract, and author keywords to identify additional AI-related keywords. The complete list is shown in Table 1.
Table 1:
XR-related keywordsAI-related keywords
augmented reality, AR, extended reality, head-mounted display, head-up display, head-worn display, headset, HMD, immersive environment, mixed reality, virtual environment, virtual reality, virtual space, VR, XRagent, artificial intelligence, bandit, classif*, cluster*, computational, computer vision, dataset, deep, estimation, generative, intelligent, learning, machine learning, markov, model*, natural language processing, neural, optimi*, predict*, reasoning, recognition, segmentation, *supervised*, tensor
Table 1: Keyword list for the literature search. The search term was constructed by putting an OR operator between each phrase within a set and an AND operator between the two keyword sets.

3.2.2 Search.

We searched Web of Science9 and Scopus10 using an OR operator between keywords within each set and an AND operator between the two keyword sets. We limited our search to the title, abstract, and author keywords of an article. The specific queries for each data base are shown in section B.
Furthermore, we applied a number of filters. We limited the search to the five years from 2017 to 2021, and only included articles in main conference proceedings and journal articles. We chose to select the last five years as time period, since we wanted to display the current state of the art of XR and AI research, including the most recent developments in the field. Furthermore, previous years have in part been covered by several narrower reviews on these topics [296, 299]. We realized that Scopus does not index some of the ML conferences that we deemed important for our review (e.g., NeurIPS). Therefore, we decided to use Web of Science only. The initial search yielded a result of 10714 records. By double-checking some of the conferences, we found errors in the database (e.g., years 2020 and 2021 were missing for VRST5, years 2019, 2020, and 2021 were missing for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing11). For other publication venues, a substantial part of the papers published in certain years were missing (e.g., only 373 out of the 746 papers of the CHI 2021 proceedings12 were found). Consequently, we decided that Web of Science worked too unreliably and adopted a venue-based approach.
We selected a set of venues based on the search results. We found papers from a total of 1361 publication venues, including conference proceedings and journal publications. Authors A and F then identified which venues should be included in the search. They first individually coded 25% of the venues with include (yes/no) (intercoder reliability: 82%). After resolving conflicts, the remaining venues were coded by author A. The criteria for including a publication venue are shown in section C. The complete list consists of 203 publication venues and is shown in section D. We then conducted a separate search with our search term for each of the venues on the publisher websites, ACM DL13, IEEE Xplore14, ScienceDirect15, PMLR16, and NeurIPS Proceedings17. We used the same search query and filters as in the initial search.
Figure 1:
Figure 1: The PRISMA-ScR flowchart documents the scoping review process from identification of sources to the final sample of articles that are included for data extraction.

3.3 Evidence Screening and Selection

We adopted a two-phase screening process: In the first phase, we screened the papers based on title, abstract, and author keywords and in the second one based on the full text. Figure 1 shows the PRISMA diagram for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR) [356]. It details the complete process from initiating the search to identifying the papers included in the analysis. For both screening phases we first conducted a calibration phase on each 10% of the records in which all coders (authors A-E) screened the same set of papers, followed by single extraction for the remaining papers.
Exclusion and inclusion criteria. Based on our research questions, we defined the following exclusion (EC) and inclusion (IC) criteria. We derived them in an iterative process: Authors A and F first generated an initial set of criteria, which was refined with all authors after the screening process. Both screening phases used the same criteria, except E9, which we added after the first screening phase and thus it only applied in the second one.
Not in main proceedings: adjunct, poster, extended abstract, companion proceedings, short paper, workshop proposal, position paper, demo, editorial.18
Survey or literature review: We excluded surveys, literature reviews, and opinion pieces.
Year: not published between 2017 - 2021.18
Missing term: No XR or AI term is mentioned. We found a considerable amount of papers as part of the result list that should not have been found by the search engine.18
False positive: Words/terms are used in a different sense of the word (e.g., “model” is used in the context of 3D modeling but not to refer to an ML model).
Example mention: XR and AI term is only mentioned as an example in the abstract or introduction(e.g., as motivation), but the work itself does not use any type of XR or AI.
Example application: XR term is used as one example application or implementation OR the XR term refers to training or testing or simulation of an AI method in a virtual environment, but not for actual deployment.
Dataset: A dataset is presented, but no XR or AI reference is made.
Lacking information: The paper does not present enough details to allow for full application of the codes.
AI method applied for XR: An AI method is applied for an XR problem (e.g., for redirected walking, viewport generation, or sickness prediction).
XR applied for AI: An XR technology is applied for an AI problem (e.g., to visualize neural networks in VR).
Interaction with embodied AI: Papers aiming to enhance interaction with intelligent VAs.
Application focus: XR and AI are applied to a problem, but are not the focus of the presented research (e.g., an AR-based system that helps with tumor recognition and applies deep learning to estimate positions).
Requires further reading: We included papers for the second screening phase when it was not clear from reading the abstract whether it meets the inclusion criteria.
Before the first round of screening, we implemented a script to identify obvious exclusion cases. First, the script identified whether there was no XR or AI term in title, abstract, or author keywords. Such cases should not have been found by the search engines in the first place, but we still had some cases in our list. Second, it identified survey papers (by looking for the words “survey” and “review” in the respective fields). It also highlighted cases where “learning” referred to an educational context and cases where “AR” referred to a false positive case, such as “LDAR”. Lastly, it identified duplicates by comparing the DOI of the papers and highlighted whether a paper was not published in the main proceedings (by highlighting the words “extended abstract”, “short paper”, “poster”, “adjunct”, “companion proceedings”). Author A reviewed and excluded these cases when needed.
Table 2:
Research objective + contributionUser-based evaluationXR-related
C1 CategoryC7 Type of user studyC11 Type of XR
C2 Research question/objectiveC8 Purpose of user studyC12 Device type
C3 Contribution or main findingsC9 Metric for user-based evaluationC13 Interaction/application/task
C4 Contribution typeC10 Study details (e.g., sample size)C14 What XR problem is solved?
C5 AI part of the contribution?  
C6 Limitations  
C15 Custom implementation?C19 Validation and testC23 When/how AI is applied
C16 Tool/library/dataset usedC20 Performance + validation metricC24 Data acquisition
C17 Class of algorithmC21 Model techniqueC25 Publicly available resources
C18 Details about algorithmC22 Purpose + applicationC26 What AI problem is solved?
Table 2: Summary of the codes used for data extraction. See Table 13 and Table 14 in the Appendix for the code book including a description for each code.
First round of screening. In the initial screening, 2619 unique records were screened based on title, abstract, and author keywords by authors A-E. First, the five authors screened the same subset of 10% of the papers (258) separately. In a meeting after this calibration phase, the authors discussed discrepancies and refined the definitions of the exclusion and inclusion criteria. Before the discussion, there was an agreement of 56.6%, where all authors coded the respective record with the same decision. For another 23.6% of the records, all but one coders agreed (i.e., four coders agreed on the same decision) and the majority vote was taken. For the remaining 19.8% the authors disagreed. These papers were discussed in a meeting and and discrepancies were resolved. After the calibration, the remaining papers (2361) were distributed equally between authors A-E, resulting in a pool of 688 papers to be included for the second round of screening.
Second round of screening. The full text screening was conducted together with the data extraction phase. The authors first screened the full text for eligibility with the same exclusion and inclusion criteria as in the first round. Only one criterion was added (E9), which refers to the paper not presenting sufficient details on the methods, implementation, or results part to apply the codes. If the paper was included, data extraction was performed.

3.4 Data Extraction and Code Book

A total of 311 papers were included for the data extraction phase. We charted data for four main categories: “research objective and contribution”, “user-based evaluation”, “XR-related codes”, and “AI-related codes”. The data items are presented in Table 2. The complete code book (i.e., the codes with descriptions) is presented in the Appendix in Table 13 and Table 14. Authors A-E coded the papers. The code book was developed in an iterative process that combined an inductive and deductive strategy. We first started with a set of codes identified by author A. We then defined a random sub set of 10% of the papers (=69 papers), which we used for calibration to evaluate the suitability of the codes. During this phase we had three meetings, in which we discussed the codes’ suitability. Author A discussed the codes with author F in three separate meetings. After the calibration phase, we had a final set of 26 codes. We performed single extraction for the remaining papers. The remaining 619 papers were distributed among coders A-E (A:150, B:150, C:149, D:150, E:20).

3.5 Critical Appraisal, Potential Bias, and Limitations

Critical appraisal. Scoping reviews typically include all available evidence regardless of methodological quality [17]. We followed this approach. However, to receive a manageable set of papers, we decided to include the full paper proceedings and journal publications only. Besides these filters we did not exclude papers based on their methodological quality.
Limitations and potential bias. We acknowledge that our keywords selection process might have been influenced by the papers in the specific proceedings that we chose as a basis for the selection process. We chose this process to reduce subjective bias as much as possible. A second point that made the selection of keywords difficult is that both concepts (XR and AI) lack a clear definition. This is especially the case for AI. Being an ill-defined concept, it is difficult to find a comprehensive list of keywords and existing lists are likely biased towards the authors understanding of AI. Therefore, generating a list based on our outlined iterative process is the most bias-free solution that we found feasible. In conclusion, although we might have missed some keywords, we are confident that we found the majority of relevant papers. We aimed to cover the breadth of research at the intersection of XR and AI. Therefore, we defined broad keyword sets. We intentionally included terms that might only loosely be connected to XR and AI (e.g., “virtual space” in addition to “virtual reality” or “model” and “intelligent”). This approach left us with a high number of false positives. Yet, we still deemed it necessary to go for this breadth-first approach to really cover the full scope of XR and AI research. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that this approach might not be in agreement with other researchers’ definitions of XR and AI, who might have selected a more focused set of keywords. We adopted a data-driven approach to define the terms XR and AI. We did this to cover a broad spectrum of research. However, we acknowledge that there are other understandings of XR and AI, which might have led to a slightly different set. To reduce errors in the screening and coding phases, we conducted calibration phases on each 10% of the records for the screening and the data extraction phase with all the coders. Furthermore, we had extensive discussion sessions to resolve conflicts and adapt the exclusion/inclusion criteria and code descriptions (two one-hour sessions for initial screening, three one-hour sessions for full-text screening and data extraction).
Figure 2:
Figure 2: (A) Number of records per year. (B) Number of records per research direction.

3.6 Analysis and Informal Synthesis

Our analysis combines categorization, quantization, and narrative synthesis. First, we categorized the papers into topics based on C1. Then, we collected the research question(s) (C2) and contribution statements (C3, C4, C5) of each paper and summarized the main topic of the paper in one sentence. These sentences were grouped into topics using an approach inspired by affinity diagramming [222]. While author A performed this process, all authors discussed the topics in three meetings. The result of this process is a typology about the state of the art of XR and AI research, which is presented in the next section. Furthermore, we summarized the quantitative codes (C10, C11, C12, C17, C21, C23, and C24) and, based on the summary of all codes, we created a narrative synthesis, which is presented in the following.

4 Results

In the following, we present the review results. First, we give an overview of the papers’ research directions, publication venues, distribution of XR technologies, and distribution of keywords. Then, we present a typology of the state-of-the-art XR and AI research and give an overview of the main problem areas and methods. Our aim is to reveal and discuss general trends and point out challenges that the intersection as a field has to face. Therefore, while discussing several reviewed papers in detail, describing all the included papers is not within the scope of this work. However, we provide the full list of papers as a resource for future in-depth analyses.

4.1 Overview of Papers

The final corpus consists of 311 unique papers. The papers were published in 50 publication venues, with the most frequent ones being VRST (57), AIVR (42), TVCG (35), ISMAR (28), and CHI (22). Table 15 in the Appendix shows the full list of the number of papers per publication venue. The number of published papers per year is increasing, with a slight drop in 2020 (see Figure 2 A). Notably, the number of publications on XR and AI has more than quadrupled from 2017 to 2021.

4.1.1 Research Directions.

Based on C1, we found four research directions (see Figure 2 B).
AI for XR: Papers that address or investigate an XR problem using an AI method (187/60%). These papers typically present an algorithm or model to address an issue in XR (e.g., VR sickness), often with a focus on prediction, and an empirical evaluation thereof.
XR for AI: Papers that address or investigate an AI problem using XR technologies (7/2.3%). These papers either use XR to visualize an AI technique to improve understandability, or focus on generating training data for XR.
Intelligent VAs: Papers that address or investigate a problem concerning intelligent VAs (43/13.8%). The papers are either concerned with the design of agents (e.g., physical appearance) or with how users perceive VAs (e.g., regarding trust).
XR and AI Applied: Papers that apply an XR technology and an AI method to an external problem (74/23.8%19). These papers typically present applications, such as medical training applications or using XR for simulation purposes (e.g., driving simulators). The focus in this research direction is not on an XR or AI problem. We grouped these papers into eight topic clusters, with the largest one being health-related training applications (18), simulation applications (13), and general training and learning applications (11). However, since our paper’s focus is on the research that addresses problems within XR and AI, these papers will not be further discussed. Table 18 in the Appendix gives an overview of the clusters and papers.

4.1.2 Publication Venues.

Most of the papers were published in XR venues (36%), followed by Computer Graphics (19.6%), venues at the intersection of XR and AI (14.1%), and HCI (13.5%). Only 5.8% of the papers were published in AI venues. The remaining papers were published in venues on Artificial Agents (3.3%), Computer Vision (2.9%), Affective Computing (2.3%), Eye Tracking and Perception (2.3%), or others (0.3%). Table 16 in the Appendix shows an overview of the published papers per research direction and venue group. Since this paper is written from an HCI perspective, we took a closer look at the papers published in HCI venues (42/13.5%). When it comes to research directions, the distribution of the HCI papers is almost identical with the overall distribution: AI for XR 60%, XR for AI 0%, Intelligent VAs 14%, and XR and AI Applied 26%.

4.1.3 Distribution of XR Technologies.

Most of the papers present research on VR (68%) or AR (21%). The remaining 11% present research about a relevant issue for XR, which is not actually tested in XR, but with images [221] or videos [29, 289]. The distribution of VR/AR for the research directions is: AI for XR (74% VR/19% AR); XR for AI (100% VR/0% AR); Intelligent VAs (67% VR/16% AR); and XR and AI applied (56% VR/37% AR).

4.1.4 Distribution of Keywords.

The most common keywords in title, abstract, and author keywords for XR were virtual reality (375) and VR (372). Extended reality was found only four times. For the AI keywords the most common ones were learning (214) and model (207). Artificial Intelligence was found 24 times. In Appendix Table 17 we show on overview of the complete list of keywords per research direction.
Figure 3:
Figure 3: AI is used to create XR worlds by (1) creating a realistic replication of the real world, (2) modifying the real world, or (3) generating a synthetic world.

4.2 Typology of the State-Of-The-Art XR and AI Research

We present the state-of-the-art XR and AI research as a typology. To create the topics, we grouped the papers into clusters based on the extracted research questions and contribution statements (C2 and C3) as described in section 3.6. In the following, we present the topics for the first three research directions; the fourth is not at the core interest of this review.
Using AI to create XR worlds (89/37.6%20);
Using AI to understand users in XR (60/25.3%);
Using AI to support interaction in XR (48/20.3%);
Interaction with IVAs (25/10.5%);
Using XR to support AI research (7/3%).

4.2.1 Using AI to Create XR Worlds.

AI is used to create virtual representations of environments, people (avatars), agents, and objects. How these are created is by either (1) realistically replicating the real world, (2) modifying the real world, or (3) generating a synthetic world (see Figure 3).
Creating Environments. With 34 (14.3%) papers, the largest cluster of creating XR worlds addresses the problem of creating an XR environment, most of them with a focus on realism. Nine papers present work on improving tracking or reconstructing real-world geometries in XR spaces (e.g., [71, 137, 353]). Besides visual representations, two works present the reproduction of spatial audio or sound effects in XR worlds [56, 162].
Chang et al. [56] use a generative adversarial network (GAN) for creating real-time synthetic drum sounds in VR perceived as real by the users. Kim et al. [162] present a system to recreate the spatial sound of a room using a CNN to estimate the depth from different images. The spatially synchronised audio is then reproduced by combining the depth estimates with the spatial sound library Resonance Audio21. There is also work on realistically presenting virtual content [95, 107, 200], for example, by improving the rendering of motion cues to improve depth perception in VR [255, 303]. Another cluster is about the improvement of image quality [54, 184, 387] and optimizing illumination [215, 231, 307]. Two works aim to improve the efficiency of algorithms [117, 411].
Seven examples modify an XR world by mapping a physical and a virtual environment. In this case, the content of the XR world is mapped to the physical world, creating a mix of real and virtual environments. For example, Taylor et al. [346] present an approach to create virtual representations of real rigid and non-rigid objects. They used a CNN to predict deformation parameters of said objects. Cheng et al. [60] present an optimization-based approach to automatize the process of placing virtual interfaces in the real environment to enhance user performance. Another example is the work by He et al. [122], which maps virtual objects to real objects. Yoon et al. [402] map the virtual environments of two users working in different physical spaces to allow them to interact in the same virtual space, while considering their individual physical constraints. Furthermore, there is work on correctly placing virtual characters according to real-world scene semantics [187].
We found one example that followed a generative approach to generate an environment. Sra et al. [334] show how virtual worlds can be generated based on music-induced moods (in particular happiness and sadness). As highlighted by the authors, a way of creating an XR world that abstracts from realism but focuses on an aesthetically pleasing appearance is a challenging task, which might explain that current XR worlds mostly focus on realism. Furthermore, current challenges remain, as interactive elements still have to be added manually.
Table 3:
Main Topic ClusterCountPapers
Using AI to Create XR Worlds89 
     Creating XR Environments34 
            Tracking of environments9[53, 56, 71, 131, 137, 161, 162, 182, 353]
            Presenting realistic virtual content6[95, 107, 153, 200, 255, 303]
            Measuring and optimising illumination5[180, 215, 231, 307, 409]
            Optimising image quality4[54, 184, 209, 387]
            Mapping environments4[60, 122, 187, 402]
            Augmenting content in AR3[140, 147, 174]
            Improving efficiency2[117, 411]
            Generating environments1[334]
     Creating Avatars28 
            Recognition and animation of facial expressions6[61, 181, 268, 320, 341, 348]
            Physical appearance: certain aspects of human bodies6[229, 236, 361, 377, 386, 390]
            Tracking4[87, 215, 272, 352]
            Physical appearance: full body reconstruction3[52, 205, 283]
            Influence of avatars on users3[2, 193, 284]
            Animation of movements2[24, 176]
            Toolkit for creating avatars1[120]
            Animation of gaze behaviour1[323]
            Animation of gestures1[295]
     Creating Agents18 
            Realistic modelling of agent behaviour12[12, 33, 34, 106, 110, 185, 286, 288, 289, 290, 309, 398]
            Investigating non-realistic agents5[167, 297, 370, 376, 418]
            Blended agents1[317]
     Creating XR Objects9 
            Tracking of objects4[202, 346, 347, 416]
            Rendering of objects3[216, 331, 391]
            Modifying object appearance2[257, 358]
Using AI to Understand Users60 
     Predicting VR Sickness25[25, 82, 88, 132, 142, 143, 146, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 170, 171, 194, 195, 199, 210, 232, 251, 267, 273, 294, 320, 373]
     Predicting User Characteristics13[8, 103, 127, 128, 175, 207, 226, 230, 259, 321, 328, 362, 400]
     Predicting Viewport and Head Movement11[7, 90, 91, 124, 279, 304, 305, 357, 365, 366, 406]
     Eye Tracking and Gaze Analysis11 
           Gaze analysis and visual attention estimation4[9, 77, 201, 337]
           Gaze prediction4[134, 135, 136, 393]
           Eye tracking and gaze modelling3[81, 178, 221]
Using AI to Support Interaction48 
     Gesture-based Interaction22 
           3D mid-air gesture interaction11[72, 105, 126, 219, 238, 239, 248, 322, 350, 372, 403]
           Gesture recognition and classification11[16, 57, 98, 148, 234, 250, 325, 380, 392, 395, 410]
     Locomotion Techniques13 
           Redirected walking techniques8[58, 62, 80, 100, 191, 192, 204, 336]
           General locomotion techniques5[46, 47, 118, 158, 269]
     Novel Devices7 
           HMDs4[6, 196, 292, 388]
           Controllers3[96, 326, 371]
     Novel Interaction Techniques3[76, 121, 123]
     Haptic Feedback3[66, 83, 399]
Interaction with Intelligent Virtual Agents25 
     Interacting with Crowds of Agents10[32, 38, 74, 156, 183, 188, 258, 271, 306, 368]
     Physical Interaction with Agents7 
           Peripersonal space4[40, 41, 48, 342]
           Touch3[4, 44, 129]
     Interacting with One Agent4[43, 113, 382, 421]
     Trust in Agents4[114, 115, 116, 139]
Using XR to Support AI Research7 
     Visualising AI Methods in XR5[28, 125, 228, 243, 343]
     Generating Training Data for XR2[94, 287]
     User Authentication and Identification7[5, 15, 133, 208, 247, 280, 281]
     Software Testing For VR1[11]
Table 3: Typology of XR and AI research.
Creating Avatars. 27 (11.4%) of the papers focus on realistically replicating human bodies to create avatars in XR. The majority of these papers is concerned with the physical appearance of avatars, either by capturing and reconstructing the complete body of a person [52, 205, 283] or by reconstructing specific parts of the body, like the teeth [361], face [229], or fingers [236]. A particularly challenging problem is to create realistic hair. Xing et al. [390] present an approach that combines expert feedback with deep learning to create realistic models of hair. Hair modeling artists created a set of structures and styles, which served as the basis for the model. Furthermore, there is work on recognizing and generating facial expressions of avatars [61, 268, 341], for example, by tracking the eyes or facial expressions of a person and rendering that on an avatar’s face [181, 320, 348]. All of these works aim to create some part or even the complete body of a realistic virtual avatar. We found three works on the influence of such a realistic avatar on the user. For example, they studied how distortion in avatar movement [284] or walking in place [193] influence body ownership. We found only one example of a modification of an avatar. McIntosh et al. [241] presented an adaptable avatar that, based on a task-integrated optimization approach, changes its arm or finger length based on target distance. As a result, the adapted avatar created less frustration and less physical demand compared to the non-adapted one. This work shows the potential of modifying virtual representations of humans for specific tasks. We did not find any case about generating a synthetic avatar.
Creating Agents. 18 papers (7.8%) related to creating IVAs, 12 of which focus on realistically modeling agent behavior, and five on investigating non-realistic agents. We found that agents in VR are typically embodied and modelled to imitate human appearance and behavior. To achieve this realistic modeling, researchers have modelled gait [290, 398], gaze [12], and personality [309], among others. However, we found several works questioning whether VAs should be modelled realistically. For example, these works compare realistic, embodied VAs with other forms of agents [167, 370, 418]. Reinhardt et al. [297] compared an invisible agent with a simplified humanoid agent and a fully textured realistic agent. They found that non-verbal behavior, such as eye contact, seems to be the main cue why a realistic agent was preferred over the others. Weber et al. [376] present a design space for edible VAs for human-food interaction by augmenting food with virtual eyes and hands. The edible agents could explain facts about themselves (e.g., ingredients) and made the meal a “fun experience”, while allowing the users to learn something about the food. These works on unrealistic agents can be understood as modifications, since they take the human body as basis and modify the appearance or behavior [167, 297, 376]. Lastly, we found one paper [317] about mapping realities. They present blended agents that are able to manipulate physical properties of virtual objects, thus bridging the gap between realities. This was perceived as “amazing” and “surprising” by participants of the user study. They also mentioned that the physical consequences of an agent’s movements made it appear more present. This work is the only of its kind in our corpus; it shows the promises of XR-based interaction by mapping realities with agents. We did not find any work addressing the synthetic generation of agents.
Creating Objects. Nine papers (3.8%) create XR objects, either realistically (7) or by modifying the real world (2). Four of these papers were about object tracking [202, 346, 347, 416] and three about object rendering [216, 331, 391]. Liu et al. [216] used a GAN for creating virtual object shadows in AR. The algorithm generates a shadow based on a synthetic AR image and a virtual object mask input. The authors report their key insight is that the model is able to map a virtual shadow to an object based on the depth clues provided in the environment only. We found one particular use case where objects were modified. Concretely, these papers are about modifying the appearance of food [257, 358]. Nakano et al. [257] use StarGAN to overlay the complete image with a newly styled version of the food (i.e., different style of noodles or rice), while Ueda and Okajima [358] used a version of ResNet to track and recreate the exact shape of the food. Similar to the avatars, we did not find an example for generating synthetic objects for XR worlds.

4.2.2 Using AI to Understand Users.

In total 60 (25.3%) papers presented work about understanding users in XR.
Predicting VR Sickness. The most frequent topic about understanding users is predicting VR sickness (25/10.5%). Despite the high density of this cluster, only a few papers present real-time applications [25, 88, 210, 232], while most of them analyze sickness symptoms post-hoc (e.g., [165, 251, 373]). There are many different approaches for predicting VR sickness, such as using support vector machines [88, 232], long short-term memory networks [164, 165], or convolutional neural networks [146, 195]. In terms of model technique, ten papers addressed the problem as a classification problem and ten as a regression problem. However, while many papers work on predicting sickness, AI is not often applied for a solution. The work by Lim et al. [210] is an exception here. They present a solution that dynamically adapts the field of view to a minimal degree to reduce VR sickness symptoms.
Predicting User Characteristics. The second cluster in understanding users presents work about predicting user characteristics, such as affect and emotion [128, 328, 400], presence [207, 230, 321], or mental workload [226].
Predicting Viewport and Head Movement. The most basic form of interacting with an environment is viewing. We found ten papers that presented a technique for viewport or head movement prediction (e.g., [7, 124, 304]). These works typically address the problem of computational rendering cost and propose to only render the part where the user is looking at with high detail.
Eye Tracking and Gaze Analysis. Lastly, there are 11 (4.6%) papers that present approaches for eye tracking and gaze analysis. In particular, there is work on gaze prediction [135, 136, 393], visual attention estimation [9, 77, 201, 337], and gaze modeling [81, 178, 221].

4.2.3 Using AI to Support Interaction.

Gestural Interaction. The majority (22/9.3%) of papers in this area are about 3D mid-air gesture-based interaction. They, for example, present improvements in hand tracking for a better gesture recognition (e.g., for AR [248, 372], for VR [239]). Most of these works focus on hand gestures [57, 250, 410], hand pose estimation [16, 380], and hand trajectory prediction [98]. We identified four papers presenting work on gesture interaction using other modalities, namely foot [325], face [234, 395], and waist gestures [392]. Mo et al. [250] present a tool for designing hand gestures for MR applications with minimal training data. Hirota and Komuro [126] present a classifier to recognize whether a hand gesture is a grasping gesture. Tian et al. [350] also present a grasping algorithm. Three papers address the problem of freehand mid-air sketching in VR [105, 219, 403]. Yu et al. [403] present a real-time application that allows users to sketch 3D objects based on curve networks. The system is specifically tailored towards idea generation and concept sketches. The algorithm first calculates possible intersections of new strokes with the existing 3D curves created by users. It then selects an intersection based on discrete optimization. There are two works focusing on users’ perception of gestures rather than improving the tracking thereof [72, 238]. Dalsgaard et al. [72] built a model that reflects natural pointing in a 3D space. In particular, they focus on features that best describe natural pointing. They compared several ML models (Naive Bayes, RF, SVM) for both a classification and regression problem and found the best accuracy for SVM-based classification.
Locomotion Techniques. The vast majority of the 13 (5.5%) papers about locomotion techniques present improvements on redirected walking (e.g., [80, 191, 204]). They mostly address this as reinforcement learning [58, 192, 204, 336] or regression problem [62, 100, 191]. There is also work on backwards movement [269], evaluating unintentional positional drifts [47], and walking in place [158].
Novel Devices. Seven (3%) papers apply AI to design and implement novel devices, in particular, controllers [96, 326, 371] and HMDs [6, 196, 292, 388]. Shigeyama et al. [326] present a haptic controller that changes its shape dynamically to adapt to different objects by mapping its mass properties to the form of the respective object. A linear regression model was optimized to predict the shape of the controller based on the properties of VR objects.
Novel Interaction Techniques. Only three (1.3%) papers used AI to create non-gesture-based novel interaction techniques. These are virtual keyboard typing [123], a smartphone-based interaction technique for AR [121], and a framework for sword fighting experiences in VR [76].
Haptic Feedback. Lastly, three (1.3%) papers aimed to improve haptic feedback in XR by using drones [83], haptic retargeting [66], or simulating haptics using a robotic prop [399].

4.2.4 Interacting with Intelligent Virtual Agents.

Besides the physical appearance and behavior modeling aspects about VAs, which we discussed in the paragraph about creating agents in section 4.2.1, 25 (10.5%) papers investigated the interaction with intelligent agents. The largest group in this category is about social aspects of interacting with a crowd of agents (e.g., [38, 306, 368]). They investigate empathy towards groups of VAs [156], algorithms to generate plausible movements for agents interacting with other agents [258], or creating VAs that are able to transition between individual and collaborative behavior [183]. Furthermore, seven papers present work on physical aspects with agents, including how users perceived physical touch by agents [4, 44, 129] and how their relationship to agents influenced users’ perception of peripersonal space [40, 41, 48, 342]. Four papers each were about interacting with one agent [43, 113, 382, 421] and measuring different aspects about trust in VAs [114, 115, 116, 139].

4.2.5 Using XR to Support AI Research.

We only identified seven works (3%) that apply XR technologies to AI problems (2.3%). Five of these works visualize AI methods in XR, for example, for immersive analytics [343], or to improve the understanding of neural networks for non-expert users by visualizing them in VR [28, 228, 243]. Hilton et al. [125] present a tool for non-experts to configure and train an ML model. With the increasing complexity of neural networks, such methods are promising to facilitate the interaction with neural networks for novices. Another problem of AI methods in general is the limited amount of available data and, consequently, the generation of training data. To address this problem, typically images are synthesised by creating variants of one image. Franchi and Ntagiou [94] address this problem in VR by providing an application to create synthetic VR training data. Lastly, Ramirez et al. [287] provide a tool for labeling data in VR.

4.2.6 Topic Distribution for HCI Papers.

Similar to the research direction, we analysed the topic distribution for HCI papers (3122). 39% (12) of the HCI papers used AI to create XR worlds, with two papers creating XR environments and each five creating avatars and agents. We found only two papers (6%) in the understanding users category with both focusing on predicting user characteristics. The majority of HCI papers (15/48%) use AI to support interaction. Most of them use it for gestural interaction (10). Lastly, there is one paper about the interaction with intelligent VAs and one in the “other” cateogry.

4.3 Main Problem Areas Addressed in XR and AI Research

Table 4:
 SumCreate WorldsUnderstand UsersSupport InteractionInteraction with IVAsXR to Support AI
1. Perception and neuroscience521231900
2. Interacting with IVAs472020250
3. Presentation of virtual content473511100
4. Tracking technologies412261300
5. Health-related impacts26125000
6. High fidelity virtual human characters24230010
7. Interaction techniques23102200
8. Social and ethical issues21700140
9. Locomotion techniques13211000
10. Collaboration with people1150240
11. Novel system and devices1001900
12. Rendering980100
13. Explainability of AI methods500005
14. Display technology410300
15. Limited training data200002
Table 4: Main problem areas addressed in XR and AI research.
Table 5:
 SumCreate WorldsUnderstand UsersSupport InteractionInteraction with IVAsXR to Support AI
ML model13751503330
Table 5: Contribution types presented by the papers.
We found 15 problem areas that are addressed by the papers in our corpus (see Table 4). The list of challenges is based on the articles on challenges in AR and virtual environments by Billinghurst [36], Kim et al. [173], and Slater [329]. Most of the papers address a challenge about perception and neuroscience (21.9%). The main interest in this area is about understanding how users perceive realistic worlds and about how interacting with these worlds affects users, for example, in their feeling of presence [230], emotions [127], or visual attention [77]. The second area is interacting with IVAs (19.8%). Research on these challenges is mostly empirical (16.5%). The actual behavior of agents is rarely implemented based on a model, but mostly scripted. The third challenge is the presentation of virtual content. Here, many ML models are applied and evaluated with perceptual user studies (19.8%). These papers are about optimizing image quality or tracking of the real world and representing it in XR. This is similar for the problem of tracking technologies (17.3%). We found only one topic about health in XR, in particular simulator sickness (10.5%). The focus of these papers is on building ML models, followed by empirical research, but not all the ML models are evaluated empirically. The next two problems are creating high fidelity human characters (10.1%), which is mostly addressed by a combination of an ML model and an empirical evaluation. The same holds for interaction techniques (9.7%). Surprisingly, there were only 21 (8.9%) papers addressing social and ethical issues. Two thirds of them investigated an issue about interacting with VAs and one third about creating worlds. The vast majority of these papers contains a form of empirical evaluation, but, there is not much technical work in this area. Lastly, there is little work on more “traditional” computer graphics and computer vision topics like building devices (4.2%), rendering (3.8%), or display technology (1.7%). Lastly, as also demonstrated by the typology, there is not much research about using XR to address an AI problem (3%).
Contribution Types. When looking at the methods used to address problems (see Table 5), we see a trend of building ML models (57.8%) and evaluating them empirically (60.3%). This is present in many of the problems, as discussed in the previous paragraph. In general, there is very little theoretical and methodological work. Interestingly, there are some dataset contributions, in particular, in the problem areas of tracking technologies and health-related impacts. We collected all the datasets presented by the papers and provide a list of them in the Appendix in Table 8.

4.4 Algorithms, Tools, Datasets, Networks, Data Types, and User Study Data

In the following, we summarize what type of algorithm techniques and classes are used in the reviewed papers. Furthermore, we present a list of commonly used tools, datasets, and networks. We also discuss the data types and summarize data about the users that is used to train and evaluate the ML models.
Table 6:
 SumCreate WorldsUnderstand UsersSupport InteractionInteraction with IVAsXR to Support AI
Supervised learning13845493833
Unsupervised learning1182001
Reinforcement learning922500
Semi-supervised learning220000
Table 6: Algorithm techniques.
Table 7:
 SumCreate WorldsUnderstand UsersSupport InteractionInteraction with IVAsXR to Support AI
Reinforcement learning812500
Table 7: Algorithm Classes.

4.4.1 Algorithm Techniques and Classes.

Algorithm Techniques. Table 6 and Table 7 give an overview of the algorithm techniques and classes. With 138 papers (58.2%), there is a clear focus on supervised learning. In contrast, only 11 papers (4.6%) use an unsupervised learning technique. Nine papers (3.8%) address a problem with reinforcement learning, the majority of which are in the support interaction topic. Also, we did not find many applications of optimization algorithms (2.1%), with some occasional cases in creating worlds, understanding users, and supporting interaction.
Algorithm Classes. Most often, problems in creating worlds, understanding users, and supporting interaction are considered either classification (32.1%) or regression (24.5%) problems. Only very few papers use a generative technique (3%), primarily for creating worlds.

4.4.2 Tools, Datasets, and Networks.

PyTorch23, Keras24, TensorFlow25, and Scikit-learn26 are the most frequently used tools for the implementation of algorithms and ML models. Furthermore, we found some software toolkits being used, for example, for sensing facial expressions [306] or creating virtual humans [291]. We also collected a list of datasets (e.g,. hand model datasets [16], motion capture datasets [289], indoor datasets [117], or datasets for facial expressions [61]), as well as networks and models. We provide the complete list of tools, datasets, networks, and models in the Appendix in section A.

4.4.3 Data Types.

We collected a data types, including sensor data (e.g., eye tracking, acoustic sensors, brain computer interface data, electroencelography, positional tracking, inertial tracking, and speech and audio data), subjective self-report data (e.g., questionnaire results), and images and videos. Furthermore, we noted when synthetic data was used. The most common data types for creating worlds are images and videos (42 papers). For understanding users the most common data type is self-report questionnaire data (21 papers). To support interaction the most common data type is hand tracking data (11 papers) and positional tracking (13). Interacting with IVAs is typically investigated in perceptual empirical studies, in which no ML technique or algorithm is applied. Consequently, we could not reveal a main type of data used. Reflecting the generation issue, synthetic data is rarely used in XR and AI research (19 papers in total).

4.4.4 Assessment and Evaluation.

In 73% of the papers that trained a model based on data of a user study, the evaluation of the model was performed on the data of the same user study. Only in 27% a second (or third) user study was performed to test the model or classifier on unseen, new data. Furthermore, the task was typically the same in the training and the evaluation study. The mean sample size for training studies is 28.94 (N=94, SD=36.94, range: 3-212) and for evaluation studies 29.15 (N=179, SD=30.61, range: 3-200). The mean gender distribution of the training studies is 66% male and 34% female participants; for evaluation studies 64% of the participants were male and 36% were female. In total there were three training studies where one person of the participants each identified as non-binary and seven evaluation studies, where on average two participants identified as non-binary. The mean age of the participants in the training studies is 25.96 years (N=38, SD=3.62, range: 19.15-37.26) and in the evaluation studies 26.85 years (N=89, SD=6.72, range: 20.9-40.01).

4.4.5 When is AI applied?

Most of the use cases presented to address an XR problem with an AI technique or method are aiming for real-time processing (77%). Of these about half (52%) are already deployed in real-time, while 48% cannot yet fulfil this goal. In general, only a few papers use an AI method for post-hoc analysis (7%) or for generating virtual content before the interaction takes place (15%). For the remaining 2%, the main focus of the technique was unclear.

5 Discussion

We summarize the results, highlight our paper’s relevance to HCI, and present 13 research opportunities and recommendations for future work.

5.1 Summary of Results

We found five topic clusters on XR and AI research. Most of the reviewed papers address a topic related to using AI to create XR worlds (89), using AI to understand users (61), and using AI to support interaction (48). Papers on these three topics typically address classification (72) or regression (58) problems and often present an ML model (134) together with an empirical (117) contribution. The fourth topic cluster is about interacting with VAs (25). Papers addressing this typically present empirical research (23), investigating user perception of interacting with agents, such as emotions or trust, but rarely present an implementation of agents. Lastly, there is very little work on using XR for AI (7). These seven papers present either a technique to enhance understandability by visualizing AI models in VR (5) or address the problem of limited training data in XR (2).

5.2 Relevance to HCI

We analyzed the distribution of research directions and topics separately for HCI papers and compared them to the complete paper corpus. The distribution of research directions for HCI papers is almost the same as for the corpus in general. This might suggest that the topics at the intersection of XR and AI addressed by HCI research reflect the general distribution of topics as well. This is, however, not the case, as we discuss in the following. Almost half of the HCI papers (48%) are in the category of Using AI to Support Interaction. While this might not come as a surprise, given that this topic is the one that is arguably most relevant to HCI, it is still interesting to note. Thus, the primary interest of HCI research at the intersection of XR and AI is using AI for the improvement of interaction techniques in XR. With 39% the second largest group of HCI papers is about Creating XR Environments. We conclude that HCI researchers’ second most important interest is on investigating how AI methods can be used to enhance and ease content presentation in XR, mostly focusing on user body representations (avatars) and agents. Interestingly, our results show that only a few HCI papers use AI for what we labeled as Understanding Users (6%). This reveals a lack, where the core HCI venues (like CHI) could take inspiration from other venues (in particular XR venues), where AI methods are already applied to understand user characteristics and other properties of users. Lastly, we found only one HCI paper for the topic of Interaction with Intelligent VAs. This is surprising, since the core interest of HCI is about how users interact with computer systems and with more and more intelligent systems entering our lives, we argue that the research on interaction with virtual agents can be very beneficial and helpful to understand how users perceive and interact with cognitively enhanced computer systems, like agents. In general, we note that research at the intersection of XR and AI is highly relevant for HCI, since three of the five topics in out typology are about core HCI problems (understanding users, supporting interaction, and interaction with IVAs). Speaking from an HCI lens, we understand XR research as inherently connected to HCI, given that XR devices will likely become next-generation personal computing devices that we will interact with on a regular basis. Therefore, we are convinced that it is important for the field of HCI to understand how novel sub-areas (in this case the intersection of XR and AI) can influence and shape the field of HCI in general.

5.3 Research Opportunities Based on Topic Analysis

Based on our results, we formulate 13 research opportunities and recommend promising research directions. We first summarize five opportunities based on the analysis of the topics and conclude with eight general opportunities.

5.3.1 The Focus when Creating XR Worlds is on Realism.

Challenge. Most of the papers about creating XR worlds focus on realistically replicating the real world in XR. The benefit of creating realistic XR worlds and realistic representations of avatars and agents seems implicit, not only for the representation of content (e.g., the appearance of environments or avatars), but also for the behavior of avatars and agents. In their review on realism in digital games, Rogers et al. [302] also reported that realism is paramount as a goal for VR games. In contrast to the papers in Rogers et al. [302]’s review, papers in our corpus (e.g., [52, 205, 229, 390]) typically did not give a motivation for why they aim to create realistic worlds. The focus of these papers is often on technical details, addressing how realistic worlds can be implemented.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. Realism of avatars has frequently been discussed in previous work. Some works indicate that the realistic physical appearance of avatars causes eeriness and an uncanny valley effect [189]. Furthermore, some work suggests that the appearance of an avatar might not actually be the dominant factor in terms of social presence or appeal [401, 419, 420]. Some reviewed papers added to this discussion by comparing realistic, embodied agents with other forms, such as invisible [297] or abstract agents [376]. Furthermore, recent work on XR avatars explores how unrealistic avatars could be used, for example, for target selection at a distance [315], or to see a world from several perspectives [316]. AI methods are currently not used for these types of goal, but almost exclusively for realistic representations. We recommend to critically reflect on the need for realism in the representation of avatars, as well as in agents, objects, and environments.

5.3.2 The Focus when Understanding Users is Performance-driven Perspective.

Challenge. In terms of understanding users, most papers focus on performance-driven issues, resulting in a lack of work on usability and user experience as a criteria for understanding users. Almost half of the papers in the understanding users category use AI to predict VR sickness. However, it is mostly used for recognizing VR sickness in users and solution techniques are rarely developed. Another large field is viewport prediction. This is most often done to understand where users will look to improve the presentation of content accordingly [305, 357]. We found seven papers on gaze prediction, eye tracking, and gaze modeling, but it is not a big focus of research at the intersection. The main focus of these works is on predicting users’ gaze (i.e., on the technical challenge of predicting gaze).
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. ML techniques are typically best applicable for well-defined problems, where a clear performance metric can be applied. Yet, we see potential in applying them for subjective user evaluations as well. Some works focus on experience-related aspects, such as presence [230] or mental workload [226, 362]. However, there is no bigger community for experience-related work (like VR sickness prediction), which makes it difficult to accumulate findings into general observations. These works could be combined with research on creating XR worlds to analyze how users perceive specific aspects of these worlds. For example, ML-based presence estimation could be used to automatically evaluate and adapt XR environments, and affect and emotion models could be used to improve our understanding of the presentation of VAs.

5.3.3 Focus of Interaction is on Gestural and Locomotion Techniques.

Challenge. In terms of supporting interaction in XR, AI is currently used most frequently for gesture-based interaction (45.8%) and locomotion techniques (27.1%). In both cases, the focus is again on technical challenges, such as improving midair pointing  [239], hand tracking [98], or path prediction [46]. Furthermore, we were surprised to see little work on haptics (3), although it is one of the major problems in current XR research [275].
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. Although we found this technical focus of papers, the data types show that ML models can also be applied to subjective self-report data, which seems to be a promising future research direction to improve our understanding of users not only from a technical and performance-driven perspective, but also from their subjective self-reports. Dalsgaard et al. [73] show an example of how ML methods can be applied to improve the presentation of haptic stimuli. They present user-driven mapping for mid-air haptic experiences based on keywords extracted by two natural language processing techniques.

5.3.4 Interaction with VAs is mostly based on Perceptual Experiments.

Challenge. Similar to Norouzi et al. [262], we found a focus on agents’ influence on personality and empathy. We also identified different roles that VAs can inhabit, such as companions or assistants. In their review, Norouzi et al. [262] note that more research is necessary to understand the spatial relationship between users and AR agents and we found some works addressing these issues [40, 48]. However, most of the work on IVAs in XR worlds investigates users’ perception towards agents in perceptual experiments with the aim to inform the design of IVAs. Typically, the behavior of VAs is not implemented, but simulated or scripted. The validation of these studies from a technical perspective has yet to take place.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. Our recommendation for future research is to invest in the technical implementation of agent models and to work on validating the findings in empirical user studiesvice.

5.3.5 Lack of Research on XR Supporting AI.

Challenge. The few works on using XR technologies to support AI research focus on visualizing methods, for example, to support non-experts [125] in working with complex neural network structures. This huge imbalance between using XR for AI research and using AI for XR is hand expected. AI is predominantly used as a method in XR, either applied to technical issues (e.g., tracking, locomotion), or for analysis (e.g., user characteristics). On the other hand, XR is a technology, so the imbalance of the two (a method and a technology) is naturally given. However, whether some form of XR can be used as an interface to interact with AI or to improve our understanding of AI methods remains unanswered.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. How can XR technology be used and contribute to the conception, design, and implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning? Educating people about the opportunities and challenges AI poses to society is important to create value. We are convinced that XR can contribute to fostering a better understanding of these new methods for a diverse set of individuals. Another unanswered research question is how XR can help design safe, reliable, and trustworthy AI.

5.4 General Research Opportunities

5.4.1 Lack of Generative Use of AI in XR Worlds.

Challenge. We found only seven examples of generative models in XR. This is surprising, since GANs have been around for several years [108] and have been applied to automatically generate images [407] or visualizations [264]. Given that content creation is one of the greatest challenges in current VR research, we were surprised to not see more work on the application of GANs to that problem. Yet, we understand that the research on generative VR content is still in its infancy.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. We found one promising work in the reviewed papers that applied a generative method to build a new XR world based on mood [334]. Such an affective world could contribute to increasing empathy between individuals. Some other GANs were applied, for example to create context-dependent images [174] or virtual object shadows [216]. Given these promising examples, one avenue for future research is to further explore the use of GANs in the creation of virtual worlds.

5.4.2 Lack of Optimization.

Challenge. Optimization is widely applied in HCI research [149], for example, to optimize interfaces [85] and to design interaction techniques [55]. Surprisingly, we did not find many examples of optimization for VR or AR interfaces.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. McIntosh et al. [241] show the potential of optimization, for example, to optimize avatar representations for specific tasks. This seems to be a promising direction. Since virtual representations of users are not bound by the same requirements as real world bodies, we see potential for optimizing interaction techniques in XR. For example, the limbs of a virtual user representation could be adapted to the depth of a target in VR, say by optimizing arm extension as a function of target depth. Another example could be to optimize a user’s body for specific tasks, for example, a user’s height could be implemented as a function of distance, thus enlarging or shrinking the user to fit a certain virtual space. In general, we see a lot of potential for optimization to enhance interaction techniques in XR.

5.4.3 Lack of Generalizability.

Challenge. The focus of using AI in XR is currently mainly done on problems. While we understand that this is because, by definition, ML models work best with a well-defined problem, we are missing a bigger picture of these problems. This can best be demonstrated by the following example. There are some larger groups of research, such as predicting VR sickness, predicting path direction for locomotion in VR, or improving 3D gestural interaction, but the individual papers typically collect their own datasets. For none of these problems, we found a general dataset that would provide generalizability of the developed models and algorithms. Another point is that most of the data that are used to train the models are based on WEIRD samples [212], indicating that the models are largely biased towards Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic people. The mean sample size for the studies to generate data for model training was 29 with a mean age of 26 years. Furthermore, there is a bias towards male users (average percentage of 66% male users). All of these points (sample size, mean age, gender distribution) are well-known issues for HCI research in general [50]. Our findings show that this also holds for XR and AI research. This could easily reinforce already known biases and severely influence trust in such systems.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. There is some effort on creating large and more diverse datasets. For example, Li et al. [204] presented an open-source library that provides a benchmark for “developing, deploying, and evaluating” redirected walking techniques. It even provides multi-user techniques, allowing multiple users to move in the same physical space. Furthermore, we provide a collection of datasets and models that are both used and/or presented by the reviewed papers. With this list, we aim to guide researchers in investigating one of these issues from a more general perspective. While these collections of datasets are certainly useful, we need bigger datasets that include a larger variety of users. This is still very much an open challenge for XR and AI research.

5.4.4 Lack of Robustness.

Challenge. We found a lack of robustness in the data used to train models and algorithms. Most of the data that was used for training was generated by a user study. However, in most of these cases (73%), a model was trained and tested on the data from the same user study (typically also on the same task). Only in 27% of the papers a second or third user study was performed to validate the model, network, or trained algorithm. This is a serious concern regarding data leakage, since the models are typically tested with already known data or, at least, rarely tested with data that includes unseen scenarios or influences.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. To create robust models that generalize for more than one very specific sample and task, we need to develop the models on more diverse datasets, representing a broader population. Furthermore, current models are typically developed for one specific task. Similarly, we should focus on testing our models in more diverse settings, including a variety of different tasks and environments.

5.4.5 Lack of Theoretical and Methodological Work.

Challenge. Not surprisingly, we did not find much work on theoretical or methodological research. Due to our search process, we excluded “pure” theoretical work, such as surveys and meta-analyzes. However, we expected more discussion of the theoretical implications of the presented works or methodological guidelines, for example, derived by a user study. Most of the theoretical work was related to agents, such as design guidelines for generating VA locomotion [398], needs model for agents [110], or a classification scheme of users interaction with a group of agents [38]. In terms of methodological work, there are some examples that present approaches for how to build models, for example, gaze modeling [337], or detailing how reinforcement learning can be used to create a generative model [123].
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. Our results show a need for more guidelines on how AI can be used for XR problems. For example, how studies should be conducted and how models can be developed. In general, we need more discussion about what type of methods work for which type of specific XR problems. This work provides a first investigation into this topic and provides a stepping stone for future research in this area.

5.4.6 Lack of Discussion about Ethical and Societal Impacts.

Challenge. The societal discussions about ethical concerns of XR and AI are generally not reflected in the reviewed papers, although they are receiving more attention in their respective fields. This is demonstrated by current CHI workshops about safety, security, and privacy in XR [112] or challenges of using VR HMDs in social spaces [111]. Furthermore, one of the largest AI conferences NeurIPS has recently started to require a statement about the “potential negative societal impacts” of the proposed research27.
Since we excluded surveys and literature reviews from our corpus, we might have missed articles that talk about these issues from a meta perspective. Still, papers in the sample that implement models for XR typically do not elaborate on any ethical or societal implications.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. Social impacts of human-agent interaction are discussed in some papers [43, 113, 382]. However, this is a very specific issue that applies to the interaction with embodied AI. In general, only 21 papers (6.8% of the corpus) touch upon this issue. Similarly, societal issues are not discussed. We suggest that researchers provide statements about the potential societal and ethical impact of their research, similar to the statement required by NeurIPS.

5.4.7 Lack of AR Research.

Challenge. The vast majority of the reviewed papers addressed VR research (68%). This is likely due to the wider distribution of VR hardware. However, several of the topics researched regarding VR, could be applied to AR as well.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. In AR, AI techniques are currently mostly applied for tracking. However, VR research shows some promising directions, which could also be applied to AR. The interaction with IVAs in AR is an interesting avenue for future research that will become more relevant as AR devices are increasingly used by consumers. A relevant question to answer is, for example, how users can interact with IVAs in a mix of real and virtual worlds. Schmidt et al. [317] show an example of how to merge such physical and virtual consequences of interactions.

5.4.8 Human-AI Interaction in XR.

Challenge. We found a trend to use AI to create XR content or for analysis purposes. Users were mostly involved in the process to evaluate the techniques, or to provide the data to predict, for example, their movement patterns [248]. However, we did not find examples of human users and AI working together collaboratively on problems.
Opportunities and Recommendations for Future Research. We found some examples where an AI technique was combined with expert knowledge. For example, Xing et al. [390] use hair models created by experts as the basis for their model. Similarly, the model presented by Sra et al. [334] is trained on user-based suggestions, and Yu et al. [403] present a 3D sketching tool that creates 3D objects based on users’ 3D sketches. These works are promising examples for human-AI collaboration. However, all these cases are about asynchronous collaboration. Promising real-time human-AI interaction in XR worlds is currently missing and would be a promising avenue for future research.

6 Conclusion

We present a scoping review of 311 papers at the intersection of XR and AI research. We reviewed the papers using a code book with 26 codes covering research direction, contribution, and details about technologies and methods. We present a typology of the state of the art covering five main topics. Furthermore, we provide a list with commonly used tools, software, datasets, and models. Lastly, we summarize 13 research opportunities and provide recommendations for future research. Current XR and AI research mainly focuses on using AI to create realistic XR worlds, support technical aspects of interaction techniques, and understand users from a performance-driven perspective. Furthermore, interaction with VAs is mostly researched with perceptual experiments, and technical implementations are missing. Furthermore, there is a lack of research exploring how XR can be used to support AI research. In general, there is a lack of generalizability, robustness, methodological, and theoretical work in this area. Furthermore, ethical and societal impacts of XR and AI research are largely neglected.


We would like to thank Tor-Salve Dalsgaard for helping with collecting the review articles and Sarah Bagge Valsborg for helping with extracting the links and text for the list of tools, methods, datasets, and software. This research was supported by the HumanE AI Network from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 952026, and the Pioneer Centre for AI, DNRF grant number P1.

A List OF Datasets, SOFTWARE, Libraries, AND Models

Table 8:
NameShort DescriptionLinkSource
ACE50 users exploring 5 different AR scences sqchen/open-access/ACE-Dataset.tgz[374]
BigHand2.2MHand pose dataset[404]
CASSIE DatasetVR sketch data[403]
CityscapeStreet scenes from 50 different cities[69]
CMU Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database49 gaits obtained from subjects walking with different styles 
CMU Panoptic Dataset65 sequences and 1.5 millions of 3D skeletons[151]
DeepFashionLarge-scale clothes database including annotations of clothing items and cross-pose/cross-domain image pairs[220]
DGaze datasetGaze data in dynamic virtual indoor and outdoor scenes[135]
Director’s CutIncludes the directional cues and plot points as well as the scan-paths of the test subjects watching films in VR[177]
DISFASpontaneous facial action intensity database[237]
DIV2KDiverse 2K resolution high quality images with a large diversity of contents[3]
EgoCap100.000 egocentric images of eight people in different clothing[298]
EgoVIPEgocentric visual-inertial 3D human pose dataset[52]
EHTaskDatasetEye and head movements of 30 participants performing four tasks, i.e. Free viewing, Visual search, Saliency, and Track, in 15 360-degree VR videos[133]
Enron Mobile Email DatasetSentences written by Enron employees on BlackBerry mobile devices[364]
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset (CK+)Dataset for action unit and emotion-specified emotion emotion/ck-spread.htm[223]
FERG-DB2D images of stylized characters with annotated facial expressions[13]
GrabAR1Oaired images of hand and objectslink not found[345]
GTSBGerman traffic sign detection benchmark, including 900 images from three categories[130]
GTSRBGerman traffic sign multi-category classification benchmark[335]
Human 3.6M3.6 million human poses and corresponding images of 11 professional actors and 17 scenarios[141]
IISc Video Discomfort Datastevideos and discomfort scores[25]
ImageNetImage database[308]
JAFFEJapanese female facial expression dataset[227]
KITTITraffic scenarios[104]
Laval Indoor HDR Dataset2100+ high resolution indoor panoramas[101]
Table 8: List of datasets. Part I.
Table 9:
NameShort DescriptionLinkSource
Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in ContextPhotos of 91 object types[211]
MPI Emotional Body Expressions Database for Narrative ScenariosEmotional body expressions[367]
MPI-INF-3DHP3D human body pose estimation dataset consisting of both constrained indoor and complex outdoor scenes[242]
MSRA14Hand tracking dataset[285]
MSRA15Hand gesture dataset[339]
PanoContextPanorama dataset[408]
People Snapshot Database3D body models and texture of arbitrary people from a single, monocular video in which a person is moving[10]
Places2Scene photographs of a diverse list of the types of environments[415]
Public-AR-BooksearchImages of book spines in different size and various conditions[319]
Stanford 2D-3D Semantics DatasetProvides a variety of mutually registered modalities from 2D, 2.5D and 3D domains, with instance-level semantic and geometric annotations[18]
SUNCGSynthetic 3D scenes[332]
The Million Song DatasetCollection of audio features and metadata for a million contemporary popular music tracks[31]
UEC FOOD 100Food photos[235]
UIBVFEEDVirtual facial expressions[265]
UNOC datasetLarge-scale motion capture dataset with body and finger motions[272]
VR-EyeTrackingEye tracking data of videos captured in dynamic scenes, each video is viewed by at least 31 subjects[393]
VRSAImage and video database[172]
XR-Ego-PosePhotorealistic egocentric camera images in a varierty of indoot and outdoor space[351]
-LDR environment maps[101]
-Colored 3D scans/Collection of points with 3D coordinates and RGB color values[19]
-Stereoscopic 3D videos and their sickness ratings [267]
-Speech and corresponding gestures in a 3D human pose formatno link found[295]
-Visual-inertial input dataset for SLAM applications 
-Various datasets for viewport prediction[305]
-Dataset for improving humans’ ability to interpret deictic gestures in VR[238]
-Human body motion reconstructing using only eyeglasses-mounted cameras and few body-worn inertial sensors[52]
-Exploring user behaviors in spherical video streaming[385]
Table 9: List of datasets. Part II.
Table 10:
NameShort DescriptionLinkPaper
CERT: The Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox"Fully automated facial expression recognition that operates in real-time"[213]
COVAREPRepository for speech processing algorithms[75]
Covert Embodied Choiceunity code for VR experimental setup[109]
Daz-3D StudioCreation of 3D scenes and characters
FAtiMA Toolkit"Collection of tools/assets designed for the creation of characters and robots with social and emotional intelligence."
Googles ARCore platform"With ARCore, build new augmented reality experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds. Transform the way people play, shop, learn, create, and experience the world together—at Google scale"
Google’s Dialogflow service for dialogue manager"Lifelike conversational AI with state-of-the-art virtual agents. Available in two editions: Dialogflow CX (advanced), Dialogflow ES (standard)"
HeMoGgravitational white-box model for head motion estimation in 360 videos[304]
HRV Python library"Heart Reate Variability analysis"
Keras"Keras is an API designed for human beings, not machines. Keras follows best practices for reducing cognitive load: it offers consistent & simple APIs, it minimizes the number of user actions required for common use cases, and it provides clear & actionable error messages. It also has extensive documentation and developer guides."
Learning Gain Predictioncontains code and featurized data[252]
LIPSYNCLip-syncing and facial animation tool for Unity
MixamoAnimation tool for 3D character animation
OpenPose"Real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints (in total 135 keypoints) on single images"[51]
Table 10: List of software toolkits and libraries. Part I.
Table 11:
NameShort DescriptionLinkPaper
OpenRDWProvides APIs to access the attributes of scenes, to customize the RDW controllers, to simulate and visualize the navigation process, to export multiple formats of the results, and to evaluate RDW techniques[204]
Panoptic-DeepLabImage segmentation library[59]
PhysioNet"The Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals"
Poly Haven3D asset library
PyTorch"An open source machine learning framework that accelerates the path from research prototyping to production deployment."
ResonanceAudio"Resonance Audio is a multi-platform spatial audio SDK, delivering high fidelity at scale. This powerful spatial audio technology is critical to realistic experiences for AR, VR, gaming, and video."
Scikit-learn"Simple and efficient tools for predictive data analysis Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib Open source, commercially usable - BSD license"
TensorFlow"Create production-grade machine learning models with TensorFlow"
Shark library"Shark is a fast, modular, feature-rich open-source C++ machine learning library. It provides methods for linear and nonlinear optimization, kernel-based learning algorithms, neural networks, and various other machine learning techniques. It serves as a powerful toolbox for real world applications as well as for research. Shark works on Windows, MacOS X, and Linux. It comes with extensive documentation. Shark is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License."
Seuratsystem for image-based scene simplification for VR[184]
SimSenseiVirtual interviewer for healthcare decision support[78]
VGG Image AnnotatorImage annotator tool vgg/software/via/via_demo.html-
Virtual Human ToolkitToolkit for the creation of virtual human conversational characters
Table 11: List of software toolkits and libraries. Part II.
Table 12:
NameShort DescriptionLinkPaper
ARShadowGANModel for creating virtual shadows[214]
BodyNetVolumetric inference of 3D human body shapes[360]
Convolutional-Pose-MachinesModel for articulated pose estimation[379]
CUTContrastive unparied translation for image-to-image translation[274]
CycleGANImage-to-image transaltion without input-output pairs[417]
EEGModelsA Collection of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models for EEG signal processing and classification, written in Keras and Tensorflow.[190]
ICNetModel that creates segmentation masks for every pizel in an image[414]
Pix2PixImage-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks[144]
SiCloPeSilhouette-based representation for modeling clothed human bodies[260]
StarGANImage-to-image translations for multiple domains[63]
StarGAN v2Image-to-image translations for multiple domains[64]
-Neural network for predicting avatar movements in VR[321]
Table 12: List of ML models and neural networks.

B Search Queries

B.1 Search for Venue-based Strategy

DATE: June 15, 2022 to June 24, 2022
QUERY: TITLE-ABSTRACT-KEYWORDS("augmented reality" OR "AR" OR "extended reality" OR "head-mounted display" OR "head-up display" OR "head-worn display" OR "headset" OR "HMD" OR "immersive environment" OR "mixed reality" OR "virtual environment" OR "virtual reality" OR "virtual space" OR "VR" OR "XR")AND TITLE-ABSTRACT-KEYWORDS("agent" OR
"artificial intelligence" OR "bandit" OR "classif*" OR "cluster*" OR "computational" OR "computer vision" OR "dataset" OR "deep" OR "estimation" OR "generative" OR "intelligent" OR "learning" OR "machine learning" OR "markov" OR "model*" OR "natural language
processing" OR "neural" OR "optimi*" OR "predict*" OR "reasoning" OR "recognition" OR "segmentation" OR "*supervised*" OR "tensor").

B.2 First Searches

DATE: May 16, 2022
QUERY: TITLE-ABS-KEY("augmented reality" OR AR OR "extended reality" OR "head-mounted display" OR "head-up display" OR "head-worn display" OR "headset" OR HMD OR "immersive environment" OR "mixed reality" OR "virtual environment" OR "virtual reality" OR "virtual space" OR VR OR XR) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(agent OR "artificial intelligence" OR bandit OR classif* OR cluster* OR computational OR "computer vision" OR dataset OR deep OR estimation OR generative OR intelligent OR learning OR "machine learning" OR markov OR model* OR "natural language processing" OR neural OR optimi* OR predict* OR reasoning OR recognition OR segmentation OR
supervised* OR tensor), FILTER: years between 2017 and 2021
number of results: 45031
LANGUAGE: English (43552), Chinese (620), Spanish (337), Portuguese (150), German (133), Russian (113), French (75), Korean (51), Turkish (37), Japanese (29), Italian (24), Slovenian (10), Hungarian (6), Czech (4), Ukrainian (4), Bosnian (3), Lithuanian (3), Polish (3), Arabic (2), Croatian (2), Danish (2), Dutch (2), Greek (2), Persian (2), Slovak (2), Afrikaans (1), Estonian (1) Indonesian (1), Malay (1), Undefined (1)
SUBJECT AREA: Computer Science (27587), Engineering (17,566), Mathematics (7,390), Social Sciences (6,190), Medicine (5,149), Physics and Astronomy (3,857), Materials Science (2,388), Decision Sciences (2,358), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (1,579), Neuroscience (1,447), Psychology (1,383), Energy (1,300), Business, Management and Accounting (1,294), Environmental Science (1,170), Arts and Humanities (1,107), Earth and Planetary Sciences (905), Chemistry (826), Chemical Engineering (767), Health Professions (553), Multidisciplinary (435), Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (378), Agricultural and Biological Sciences (367), Nursing (255), Economics, Econometrics and Finance (227), Immunology and Microbiology (142), Dentistry (125), Veterinary (30), Undefined 2)
DOCUMENT TYPE: Conference Paper (18216), Article 7165), Conference Review (1,260), Book Chapter (533), Review (313), Book (29), Editorial (26), Erratum (15), Note (6), Retracted (5), Short Survey (2), Data Paper(1), Letter (1), Undefined (15)
SOURCE TYPE: Conference Proceedings (14639), Journal (7292), Book Series (3431), Trade Journal (19)
SOURCE TITLE: excluded only: Workshop Proceedings (383), National Venues (255+97+51+45+31+28), Adjunct Proceedings (104+63+59+57+42)
FINAL 8877 without abbreviations, 23979 including abbreviations
KEYWORD: human computer interaction (1356)
Web of Science.
DATE: May 16, 2022
QUERY: (TI=("augmented reality" OR AR OR "extended reality" OR "head-mounted display" OR "head-up display" OR "head-worn display" OR "headset" OR HMD OR "immersive environment" OR "mixed reality" OR "virtual environment" OR "virtual reality" OR "virtual space" OR VR OR XR) OR AB=("augmented reality" OR AR OR "extended reality" OR "head-
mounted display" OR "head-up display" OR "head-worn display" OR "headset" OR HMD OR "immersive envi-
ronment" OR "mixed reality" OR "virtual environment" OR "virtual reality" OR "virtual space" OR VR OR XR) OR AK=("augmented reality" OR AR OR "extended reality" OR "head-mounted display" OR "head-up display" OR "head-worn display" OR "headset" OR HMD OR "immersive environment" OR "mixed reality" OR "virtual environment" OR "virtual reality" OR "virtual space" OR VR OR XR)) AND (TI=(agent OR "artificial intelligence" OR bandit OR classif* OR cluster* OR computational OR "computer vision" OR dataset OR deep OR estimation OR generative OR intelligent OR learning OR "machine learning" OR markov OR model* OR "natural language processing" OR neural OR optimi* OR predict* OR reasoning OR recognition OR segmentation OR *supervised* OR tensor) OR AB=(agent OR "artificial intelligence" OR bandit OR classif OR cluster OR computational OR "computer vision" OR dataset OR deep OR estimation OR generative OR intelligent OR learning OR "machine learning" OR markov OR model OR "natural language processing" OR neural OR optimi OR predict OR reasoning OR recognition OR segmentation OR super-
vised OR tensor) OR AK=(agent OR "artificial intel-
ligence" OR bandit OR classif OR cluster OR compu-
tational OR "computer vision" OR dataset OR deep OR estimation OR generative OR intelligent OR learning OR "machine learning" OR markov OR model OR "natural language processing" OR neural OR optimi OR predict OR reasoning OR recognition OR segmentation OR supervised OR tensor))
number of results: 39380
LANGUAGE: English(38,434), Spanish (293), Chinese (141), Portuguese (128), Russian (113), German (77), Turkish (48), French (41), Italian (24), Korean (19), Japanese (15), Ukrainian (11), Polish(7), Hungarian(6), Bulgarian(4), Catalan(3), Afri-
kaans(2), Arabic(2), Croatian(2), Czech(2), Malay(2), Slovenian(2), Estonian(1), Norwegian (1), Slovak(1), Unspecified (1)
RESEARCH AREA: Computer Science (11379), 5 excluded with most papers: Engineering (9346), Education Educational Research (2869), Physics (2746), Chemistry (2559), Telecommunications (1822)
DOCUMENT TYPE: Proceedings Papers (7512), Articles (3858), Review Articles (127), Early Access (98), Book Chapters (91), Editorial Materials (32), Corrections (5), Books (1), Data Papers (1), Retracted Publications (1)
PUBLICATION TITLES: excluded only: workshop (28+14+17), adjunct (27+25+59+56+50+43+31+31), regional (45+23+13+12), other winter conference (16), lecture notes (23)
FINAL 10713

C Criteria FOR Including A Venue

Venues that explicitly mention the name of one of the fields of interest (we include HCI here, because a lot of XR research is published in general HCI venues). An example for an XR venue is VRST5 and an example for an AI venue is ICML7.
Venues that include one of the following terms: computer vision, computer graphics, image processing.
Venues whose name includes the word “intelligent” combined with “system”, “agent”, “user interface”, “computing”, “automation”, “fuzzy systems”, or “signal processing”.
Venues were excluded when their name contained the word “intelligent” without further specification that is of interest to us, such as “robots”, “vehicles”, “design”, “transportation system”, “engineering”, or “control”.

D List OF Included Venues


E Code Book

Table 13:
General research objective and contribution 
C1 Category❍ AI applied to solve a XR problem
 ❍ XR applied to solve an AI problem
 ❍ XR and AI both applied but not focus of the work
C2 Research question/objective[...]
C3 Contribution or main findings[...]
C4 Contribution type❏ Application; ❏ Empirical; ❏ Dataset; ❏ Methodological; ❏ ML model;
 ❏ System/artifact; ❏ Technological; ❏ Theoretical; ❏ Other
C5 AI part of the contribution?❍  Yes, paper presents the implementation of an algorithm, classifier, model, etc. as part of the key contribution
 ❍ Yes (not communicated by the authors), but focus of paper is clearly on the algorithm
 ❍ No, AI algorithm is applied to solve a problem but not the actual focus of the work (e.g., applied for analysis of results)
 ❍ AI is not actually applied, but paper discusses/studies/investigates some issue that might become important with AI, e.g., interaction with social agents
C6 Limitations[...]
User-based evaluation 
C7 Type of user study❍ Yes, brainstorming/ideation; ❍ Yes, empirical lab study; ❍ Yes, empirical remote study; ❍ Yes, expert evaluation; ❍ Yes, field study; ❍ Yes, pilot testing; ❍ Yes, workshop; ❍ No user study; ❍ Other
C8 Purpose of user study[...]
C9 Metric for user-based evaluation[...]
C10 Study details(e.g., age, gender, target user group)[...]
Table 13: ❍  stands for one selection only; ❏  stands for multiple selections; [...] stands for copied text from the paper.
Table 14:
C11 Type of XR❍ AR (not further specified); ❍ AR (optical see-through, 3DoF); ❍ AR (optical see-through, 6DoF); ❍ AR (projection); ❍ AR (smartphone); ❍ AR (video see-through, 3DoF); ❍ AR (video see-through, 6DoF); ❍ VR (3DoF); ❍ VR (6 DoF); ❍ VR (not further specified); ❍ Other
C12 Device type❍ HoloLen1; ❍ HoloLens2; ❍ HTC Vive; ❍ HTC Vive Pro; ❍ HTC Vive Pro Eye; ❍ Smartphone-based AR; ❍ Oculus Go; ❍ Oculus Quest; ❍ Oculus Rift; ❍ Samsung Gear VR; ❍ Custom device; ❍ Not specified; ❍ Other
C13 Interaction/application/task❍ Interaction/collaboration with artificial agent/embodied AI; ❍ Interaction/collaboration with people; ❍ Locomotion/navigation; ❍ Manipulation; ❍ Pointing; ❍ Selection; ❍ Typing; ❍ Viewing; ❍ Visual search; ❍ Other
C14 What XR problem is solved?❏ Collaboration/shared visual environments with artificial agents/embodied AI; ❏ Collaboration/shared visual environments with people; ❏ Display technology; ❏ High fidelity virtual human characters/virtual representation of humans; ❏ Interaction techniques; ❏ Perception and neuroscience; ❏ Social and ethical issues/impact; ❏ Tracking technologies; ❏ Health-related impacts; ❏ Longitudinal effects; ❏ Novel systems and devices; ❏ Not applicable, focus on AI problem; ❏ Not applicable, is sued as an application; ❏ Other
C15 Custom implementation?❍ Yes; ❍ No
C16 Tool/library used[...]
C17 Class of algorithm❍ Supervised learning; ❍ Unsupervised learning;❍ Semi-supervised learning;❍ Reinforcement learning; ❍ No algorithm applied; ❍ Not specified; ❍ Unclear; ❍ Other
C18 Details about algorithm[...]
C19 Validation and test[...]
C20 Performance and/or validation metric[...]
C21 Model technique❍ Classification; ❍ Regression; ❍ Clustering; ❍ Dimensionality reduction; ❍ Other
C22 Purpose + application[...]
C23 When/how AI is applied❍ "Before" interaction, e.g., for generation of virtual content, generation of model/classifier etc.; ❍ use case "During" interaction: use case meant for online use of AI, but not yet done in paper e.g., interaction with embodied AI; ❍ Deployment "during" interaction: algorithm/model actually applied/deployed online; ❍ "After" interaction: e.g., to analyse results of a user study, to build a model based on the recorded data; ❍ Other
C24 Data acquisition❏ "Human input" subjective data; ❏ Acoustic sensor; ❏ Brain computer interface; ❏ Electroencephalography; ❏ Eye tracking; ❏ Hand tracking; ❏ Images/videos; ❏ Inertial sensor; ❏ Mid air pointing; ❏ Positional tracking;❏ Publicly available data set; ❏ Synthetic data; ❏ Speech/audio; ❏ Data not recorded but based on previous paper; ❏ Data not recorded but gathered from literature survey; ❏ Other
C25 Publicly available resources (e.g., data sets, code, models)[...]
C26 What AI problem is solved?❏ Explainability and understandability; ❏ Human-AI interaction and collaboration; ❏ Learning, reasoning, planning; ❏ Perception, cognitive modeling; ❏ Privacy protection trust, and security; ❏ Social, ethical, legal, political issues; ❏ Not applicable, focus on XR problem; not applicable, both applied; ❏ Other
Table 14: Continuation of Table 13Table 13


Table 15:
Table 15: Published papers per publication venue and category. The full conference venue names are shown in Table 19 and Table 20
Table 16:
 AI applied XRXR applied to AIIntelligent VAsXR and AI appliedSum
Computer Graphics4805861
Computer Vision80019
Affective Computing10157
Eye Tracking and Perception40217
Table 16: Published papers per publication venue/community and category.
Table 17:
 KeywordAI applied to XRXR applied to AIIntelligent VAsXR and AI both appliedSum
XR keywordsVR273122859372
 virtual reality235174380375
 augmented reality7201556143
 virtual environment441141170
 mixed reality26051041
 head-mounted display2101527
 immersive environment50218
 virtual space40004
 extended reality10034
 head-up display00000
 head-worn display20002
AI keywordsmodel13922838207
 machine learning51732182
 computer vision1230520
 artificial intelligence926724
 natural language processing10102
Table 17: Distribution of XR and AI keywords for each paper category.
Table 18:
Main Topic ClusterCountPapers
Applying XR and AI to an External Problem74 
     Health-related Training Applications18 
            Medical Training Applications11[26, 27, 49, 97, 157, 169, 253, 313, 318, 330, 394]
            Sport-related Applications4[138, 217, 312, 389]
            Psychotherapy in XR3[240, 291, 384]
     Training/Learning Applications18 
            General Training/Learning Applications11[35, 65, 84, 155, 160, 203, 252, 266, 278, 301, 311]
            Training Applications for Healthcare Workers7[93, 102, 310, 314, 359, 396, 412]
     Using XR for Simulation Purposes13 
            General9[20, 22, 29, 109, 233, 327, 355, 369, 422]
            XR as Driving Simulator4[45, 67, 152, 363]
     Special Applications12[39, 70, 79, 86, 89, 150, 254, 276, 381, 397, 405, 413]
     Using XR for Visualization8[1, 145, 206, 218, 319, 324, 354, 378]
     Testing Ecological Validity in XR4[154, 198, 244, 349]
     Using XR as Interface1[338]
Table 18: Papers applying XR and AI to an external problem.
Table 19:
AcronymPublication VenueVenue Group
ACII2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)Affective Computing
TAFFCIEEE Transactions on Affective ComputingAffective Computing
IVAIVA ’20: Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual AgentsAgents
AAMASAAMAS ’18: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent SystemsAgents
TNNLSIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsAgents
HAIHAI ’19: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent InteractionAI
SSCI2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)AI
PAMIIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceAI
ICASSPICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)AI
IJCNN2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)AI
ISRITI2019 International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)AI
PAAPattern Analysis and ApplicationsAI
ICMLA2020 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)AI
ICPR2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)AI
IISA2019 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA)AI
JISJournal of Intelligent Information SystemsAI
JAIInternational Journal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationAI
AIVR2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR)AIXR
AIHJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized ComputingAIXR
TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsComputer Graphics
TOGACM Transactions on GraphicsComputer Graphics
ICIP2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)Computer Graphics
TIPIEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingComputer Graphics
CGAIEEE Computer Graphics and ApplicationsComputer Graphics
RTIPJournal of Real-Time Image ProcessingComputer Graphics
PACMCGITProceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive TechniquesComputer Graphics
VCIP2018 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)Computer Graphics
CVPR2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Computer Vision
VCThe Visual ComputerComputer Vision
ICCV2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)Computer Vision
SAPSAP ’19: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019Eye Tracking and Perception
ETRAETRA ’21 Full Papers: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and ApplicationsEye Tracking and Perception
TAPACM Transactions On Applied PerceptionEye Tracking and Perception
Table 19: Publication venues and venue groups of included papers. Part I.
Table 20:
AcronymPublication VenueVenue Group
CHICHI ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsHCI
UISTUIST ’17: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyHCI
AHAH2019: Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019HCI
CHI PLAYCHI PLAY ’17: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in PlayHCI
SUISUI ’20: Symposium on Spatial User InteractionHCI
TEITEI ’20: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied InteractionHCI
MobileHCIMobileHCI ’20: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and ServicesHCI
DISDIS ’21: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021HCI
JVJournal of VisualizationVisualization
VRST2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)XR
ISMAR2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)XR
VRVirtual RealityXR
SIGGRAPHSVR’21: Symposium on Virtual and Augmented RealityXR
SVR2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR)XR
IC3D2021 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D)XR
GVWSA2018 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games)XR
VRCAIVRCAI ’19: The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in IndustryXR
Table 20: Publication venues and venue groups of included papers. Part II.


IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality:, last accessed: August 18, 2022
ACM International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality:, last accessed: August 18, 2022
ACM Computing Classification System:, last accessed September 10, 2022
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality:, last accessed August 28, 2022
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology:, last accessed August 28, 2002
Throughout the following sections, we will refer to the six authors of this paper with A-F to indicate which authors took part in the search, data extraction, and analysis parts.
International Conference on Machine Learning:, last accessed September 10, 2022
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems:, last accessed August 28, 2022
Web of Science:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
Scopus:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing:, last accessed September 10. 2022
CHI 2021 Proceedings:, last accessed September 10, 2022
ACM DL:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
IEEE Xplore:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
ScienceDirect:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
Proceeding of Machine Learning Research:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
NeurIPS Proceedings:, last accessed: July 15. 2022
These cases should have been excluded by the search engine, but still we had some in the search result.
Due to rounding, the percentages add up to 99.9% and not 100%.
From here on the percentages are given in relation to the 237 papers that are part of the typology. 3.3% of these papers categorized as other.
Resonance Audio:, last accessed September 15, 2022
Note that the 11 HCI papers about applying XR and AI to an external use case are not discussed here.
PyTorch:, last accessed September 13, 2022
Keras:, last accessed September 13, 2022
TensorFlow:, last accessed September 13, 2022
Scikit-learn:, last accessed September 13, 2022
NeurIPS Ethical Guidelines:, September 13, 2022

Supplementary Material

Supplemental Materials (
MP4 File (3544548.3581072-talk-video.mp4)
Pre-recorded Video Presentation


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