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Handling bidirectional control flow

Published: 13 November 2020 Publication History


Pressed by the difficulty of writing asynchronous, event-driven code, mainstream languages have recently been building in support for a variety of advanced control-flow features. Meanwhile, experimental language designs have suggested effect handlers as a unifying solution to programmer-defined control effects, subsuming exceptions, generators, and async–await. However, despite these trends, complex control flow—in particular, control flow that exhibits a bidirectional pattern—remains challenging to manage.
We introduce bidirectional algebraic effects, a new programming abstraction that supports bidirectional control transfer in a more natural way. Handlers of bidirectional effects can raise further effects to transfer control back to the site where the initiating effect was raised, and can use themselves to handle their own effects. We present applications of this expressive power, which falls out naturally as we push toward the unification of effectful programming with object-oriented programming. We pin down the mechanism and the unification formally using a core language that makes generalizations to effect operations and effect handlers.
The usual propagation semantics of control effects such as exceptions conflicts with modular reasoning in the presence of effect polymorphism—it breaks parametricity. Bidirectionality exacerbates the problem. Hence, we set out to show the core language, which builds on the existing tunneling semantics for algebraic effects, is not only type-safe (no effects go unhandled), but also abstraction-safe (no effects are accidentally handled). We devise a step-indexed logical-relations model, and construct its parametricity and soundness proofs. These core results are fully mechanized in Coq. While a full-featured compiler is left to future work, experiments show that as a first-class language feature, bidirectional handlers can be implemented efficiently.

Supplementary Material

Auxiliary Presentation Video (oopsla20main-p51-p-video.mp4)
OOPSLA 2020 talk on paper "Handling Bidirectional Control Flow"


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cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA
November 2020
3108 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 November 2020
Published in PACMPL Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA


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  1. Effect handlers
  2. exceptions
  3. iterators
  4. parametricity
  5. promises
  6. type systems


  • Research-article

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  • (2022)A typed continuation-passing translation for lexical effect handlersProceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation10.1145/3519939.3523710(566-579)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2022
  • (2022)Understanding Algebraic Effect Handlers via Delimited Control OperatorsTrends in Functional Programming10.1007/978-3-031-21314-4_4(59-79)Online publication date: 17-Mar-2022
  • (2022)What You See Is What You Get: Practical Effect Handlers in Capability-Passing StyleErnst Denert Award for Software Engineering 202010.1007/978-3-030-83128-8_3(15-43)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022
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