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View all- Chen YLiu SPapageorgiou LTheofilatos KTsoka S(2023)Optimisation Models for Pathway Activity Inference in CancerCancers10.3390/cancers1506178715:6(1787)Online publication date: 15-Mar-2023
Gene expression data analysis from high throughput approaches is complicated due to its abundant scales. It is especially difficult to analyze and categorize temporal differential expression of gene groups and discover interactive relationship among ...
Classification using microarray gene expression data is an important task in bioinformatics. Due to the high dimensionality and small sample size that characterizes microarray data, there has recently been a drive to incorporate any available ...
Objective: Elucidating genetic factors of complex diseases is one of the most important challenges in biomedical research. Recently, a genetical genomics approach of mapping genotype to transcripts has been used in complex disease analysis. This ...
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