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On the Performance Portability of OpenACC, OpenMP, Kokkos and RAJA

Published: 07 January 2022 Publication History


Performance Portability frameworks are becoming more central and essential in heterogeneous computing systems. However, the developer toolbox lacks the tools to assess the performance portability degree of these frameworks.
This article presents a new definition and a metric for evaluating the performance portability of high-level parallel programming models. Using the new metric, the performance portability of OpenACC, OpenMP, Kokkos and RAJA were evaluated based on 324 case studies in various application domains, CPUs and GPUs architectures, and high-performance compilers. The results show that the four performance portability frameworks achieve impressive performance portability of over 80% with no significant differences between different architectures and compilers.


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HPCAsia '22: International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region
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Published: 07 January 2022


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  1. Kokkos
  2. OpenACC
  3. OpenMP
  4. Performance Efficiency
  5. Performance Portability
  6. RAJA


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