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Discovering Personalized Semantics for Soft Attributes in Recommender Systems using Concept Activation Vectors

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Interactive recommender systems (RSs) allow users to express intent, preferences and contexts in a rich fashion, often using natural language. One challenge in using such feedback is inferring a user’s semantic intent from the open-ended terms used to describe an item, and using it to refine recommendation results. Leveraging concept activation vectors (CAVs) [21], we develop a framework to learn a representation that captures the semantics of such attributes and connects them to user preferences and behaviors in RSs. A novel feature of our approach is its ability to distinguish objective and subjective attributes and associate different senses with different users. Using synthetic and real-world datasets, we show that our CAV representation accurately interprets users’ subjective semantics, and can improve recommendations via interactive critiquing.


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              cover image ACM Conferences
              WWW '22: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022
              April 2022
              3764 pages
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              Association for Computing Machinery

              New York, NY, United States

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              Published: 25 April 2022

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              1. Concept activation vectors (CAVs)
              2. Interactive recommender system
              3. Personalized semantics


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              WWW '22
              WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022
              April 25 - 29, 2022
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              • (2023)Explaining Deep Neural Networks for Bearing Fault Detection with Vibration Concepts2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)10.1109/INDIN51400.2023.10218170(1-6)Online publication date: 18-Jul-2023

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