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OpiTrack: A Wearable-based Clinical Opioid Use Tracker with Temporal Convolutional Attention Networks

Published: 14 September 2021 Publication History


Opioid use disorder is a medical condition with major social and economic consequences. While ubiquitous physiological sensing technologies have been widely adopted and extensively used to monitor day-to-day activities and deliver targeted interventions to improve human health, the use of these technologies to detect drug use in natural environments has been largely underexplored. The long-term goal of our work is to develop a mobile technology system that can identify high-risk opioid-related events (i.e., development of tolerance in the setting of prescription opioid use, return-to-use events in the setting of opioid use disorder) and deploy just-in-time interventions to mitigate the risk of overdose morbidity and mortality. In the current paper, we take an initial step by asking a crucial question: Can opioid use be detected using physiological signals obtained from a wrist-mounted sensor? Thirty-six individuals who were admitted to the hospital for an acute painful condition and received opioid analgesics as part of their clinical care were enrolled. Subjects wore a noninvasive wrist sensor during this time (1-14 days) that continuously measured physiological signals (heart rate, skin temperature, accelerometry, electrodermal activity, and interbeat interval). We collected a total of 2070 hours (≈ 86 days) of physiological data and observed a total of 339 opioid administrations. Our results are encouraging and show that using a Channel-Temporal Attention TCN (CTA-TCN) model, we can detect an opioid administration in a time-window with an F1-score of 0.80, a specificity of 0.77, sensitivity of 0.80, and an AUC of 0.77. We also predict the exact moment of administration in this time-window with a normalized mean absolute error of 8.6% and R2 coefficient of 0.85.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 5, Issue 3
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    1. Channel and Temporal Attention
    2. Depthwise convolutions
    3. Opioid administration
    4. Physiological signal
    5. Temporal convolutional network


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