Cited By
View all- Liu YWang HZhou KLi CWu R(2022)A survey on AI for storageCCF Transactions on High Performance Computing10.1007/s42514-022-00101-34:3(233-264)Online publication date: 23-May-2022
HPC systems are composed of multiple tiers of storage, from the top high performance tier (high speed SSDs) to the bottom capacitive one (tapes). File placement in such architecture is managed through prefetchers (bottom-up) and eviction policies (top-...
The emergence of Exascale machines in HPC will have the foreseen consequence of putting more pressure on the storage systems in place, not only in terms of capacity but also bandwidth and latency. With limited budget we cannot imagine using only storage ...
When applications require high I/O performance, solid-state drives (SSDs) are often preferable because they perform better than traditional hard-disk drives (HDDs). Therefore, database system response time can be improved by moving frequently used data ...
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