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Low-Congestion Shortcuts for Graphs Excluding Dense Minors

Published: 23 July 2021 Publication History


We prove that any n-node graph G with diameter D admits shortcuts with congestion O(δ D log n) and dilation O(δ D), where δ is the maximum edge-density of any minor of G. Our proof is simple and constructive with a tildeΘ (δ D)-round1 distributed construction algorithm. Our results are tight up to logarithmic factors and generalize, simplify, unify, and strengthen several prior results. For example, for graphs excluding a fixed minor, i.e., graphs with constant δ, only a Õ (D2) bound was known based on a very technical proof that relies on the Robertson-Seymour Graph Structure Theorem.
A direct consequence of our result is this: many graph families, including any minor-excluded ones, have near-optimal tildeΘ(D)-round distributed algorithms for many fundamental communication primitives and optimization problems in the standard synchronous message-passing model with logarithmic message sizes, i.e., the CONGEST model. These problems include minimum spanning tree, minimum cut approximation, and shortest-path approximations.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (PODC21-fp312.mp4)
Video Presentation of PODC'21 Paper: Low-Congestion Shortcuts for Graphs Excluding Dense Minors (Bernhard Haeupler - joint work with Mohsen Ghaffari)


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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    PODC'21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
    July 2021
    590 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 23 July 2021


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    Author Tags

    1. congestion
    2. dilation
    3. distributed graph algorithms
    4. low-congestion shortcuts
    5. minimum spanning tree
    6. minor-exluded graphs
    7. planar graphs


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