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Accelerating all-electron ab initio simulation of raman spectra for biological systems

Published: 13 November 2021 Publication History


Raman spectroscopy provides chemical and compositional information that can serve as a structural fingerprint for various materials. Therefore, simulations of Raman spectra, including both quantum perturbation analyses and ground-state calculations are of significant interest. However, highly accurate full quantum mechanical (QM) simulations of Raman spectra have previously been confined to small systems. For large systems such as biological materials, the computational cost of full QM simulations is extremely high, and their extension to such systems remains challenging. In the work described here, by employing robust new algorithms and advances in implementation for the many-core architectures, we are able to perform fast, accurate, and massively parallel full ab initio simulations of the Raman spectra of biological systems with excellent strong and weak scaling, thereby providing a starting point for applying QM approaches to structural studies of such systems.

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              SC '21: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
              November 2021
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              1. all-electron
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              4. quantum mechanics
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              • (2023)OpenCL-accelerated first-principles calculations of all-electron quantum perturbations on HPC resourcesFrontiers in Chemistry10.3389/fchem.2023.115689111Online publication date: 26-May-2023
              • (2023)Scalability and efficiency challenges for the exascale supercomputing system: practice of a parallel supporting environment on the Sunway exascale prototype system面对E级超算系统的可扩展性和效率挑战: 神威E级原型系统并行支撑环境的实践Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering10.1631/FITEE.220041224:1(41-58)Online publication date: 23-Jan-2023
              • (2023)Portable and Scalable All-Electron Quantum Perturbation Simulations on Exascale SupercomputersProceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis10.1145/3581784.3607085(1-13)Online publication date: 12-Nov-2023

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