Cited By
View all- Heider MPätzel DWagner AWagner M(2022)An overview of LCS research from 2021 to 2022Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion10.1145/3520304.3533985(2086-2094)Online publication date: 9-Jul-2022
Most versions of the XCS Classifier System have been designed to evolve only two rules for each rule discovery invocation, which restricts the search capacity. A difficulty behind generating multiple rules each time is the increase in the probability of ...
On the XCS classifier system, an ideal assumption in the latest XCS learning theory means that it is impossible for XCS to distinguish accurate rules from any other rules with 100% success rate in practical use. This paper presents a preliminary work to ...
XCS is the most popular type of Learning Classifier System, but setting optimum parameter values is more of an art than a science. Early theoretical work required the impractical assumption that classifier parameters had fully converged with infinite ...
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