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FaasCache: keeping serverless computing alive with greedy-dual caching

Published: 17 April 2021 Publication History


Functions as a Service (also called serverless computing) promises to revolutionize how applications use cloud resources. However, functions suffer from cold-start problems due to the overhead of initializing their code and data dependencies before they can start executing. Keeping functions alive and warm after they have finished execution can alleviate the cold-start overhead. Keep-alive policies must keep functions alive based on their resource and usage characteristics, which is challenging due to the diversity in FaaS workloads.
Our insight is that keep-alive is analogous to caching. Our caching-inspired Greedy-Dual keep-alive policy can be effective in reducing the cold-start overhead by more than 3× compared to current approaches. Caching concepts such as reuse distances and hit-ratio curves can also be used for auto-scaled server resource provisioning, which can reduce the resource requirement of FaaS providers by 30% for real-world dynamic workloads. We implement caching-based keep-alive and resource provisioning policies in our FaasCache system, which is based on OpenWhisk. We hope that our caching analogy opens the door to more principled and optimized keep-alive and resource provisioning techniques for future FaaS workloads and platforms.


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    ASPLOS '21: Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
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