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Ancile: Enhancing Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing with Use-Based Privacy

Published: 11 November 2019 Publication History


Widespread deployment of Intelligent Infrastructure and the Internet of Things creates vast troves of passively-generated data. These data enable new ubiquitous computing applications---such as location-based services---while posing new privacy threats. In this work, we identify challenges that arise in applying use-based privacy to passively-generated data, and we develop Ancile, a platform that enforces use-based privacy for applications that consume this data. We find that Ancile constitutes a functional, performant platform for deploying privacy-enhancing ubiquitous computing applications.


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cover image ACM Conferences
WPES'19: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society
November 2019
228 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 11 November 2019


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Author Tags

  1. ancile policy
  2. ancile policy language
  3. data privacy
  4. data processing pipeline
  5. data source
  6. data structure
  7. derivative policy
  8. derived values
  9. location privacy
  10. location services
  11. location trace
  12. passively generated data
  13. policy enforcement
  14. policy language
  15. privacy
  16. privacy challenge
  17. privacy policy
  18. reference monitors
  19. ubiquitous computing
  20. ubiquitous computing application
  21. use based privacy


  • Research-article

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