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Tessutivo: Contextual Interactions on Interactive Fabrics with Inductive Sensing

Published: 17 October 2019 Publication History


We present Tessutivo, a contact-based inductive sensing technique for contextual interactions on interactive fabrics. Our technique recognizes conductive objects (mainly metallic) that are commonly found in households and workplaces, such as keys, coins, and electronic devices. We built a prototype containing six by six spiral-shaped coils made of conductive thread, sewn onto a four-layer fabric structure. We carefully designed the coil shape parameters to maximize the sensitivity based on a new inductance approximation formula. Through a ten-participant study, we evaluated the performance of our proposed sensing technique across 27 common objects. We yielded 93.9% real-time accuracy for object recognition. We conclude by presenting several applications to demonstrate the unique interactions enabled by our technique.

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