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View all- Liang TShi STao YZhang B(2022)Research on deep learning model design technology of mobile terminalJournal of Physics: Conference Series10.1088/1742-6596/2303/1/0120312303:1(012031)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022
It is known that detecting small targets in remotely sensed image is difficult and challenging work. Filter neural network is designed to detect target which based morphological, structure element is used as network parameter, by competition and ...
Target recognition is one of the key technologies of the ultrasonic detection. In this paper, with wavelet packet analysis method, energy feature is extracted for actual ultrasonic echo signal to obtain target energy feature information in different ...
Indoor positioning has grasped great attention in recent years. Many of those technologies are related to the problem of determining the position of an object in space, such as the robot, people, and so on. In this paper, we combine a range-free method, ...
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