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Escaping Saddle Points in Constant Dimensional Spaces: An Agent-based Modeling Perspective

Published: 13 July 2020 Publication History


We study a large family of stochastic processes that update a limited amount in each step. One family of such examples is agent-based modeling, where one agent at a time updates, so the state has small changes in each step. A key question is how this family of stochastic processes is approximated by their mean-field approximations. Prior work shows that the stochastic processes escape repelling fixed points and saddle points in polynomial time.
We provide a tight analysis of the above question. For any non-attracting hyperbolic fixed point and a sufficiently small constant ε >0, the process will be ε-far away from the fixed point in O(n log n) time with high probability. We also show that it takes time Ω(n log n) to escape such a fixed point with constant probability. This shows that our result is optimal up to a multiplicative constant.
We leverage the above result and show that such stochastic processes can reach the neighborhood of some attracting fixed point in $O(nłog n)$ time with high probability.
Finally, We show the power of our results by applying them to several settings: evolutionary game theory, opinion formation dynamics, and stochastic gradient descent in a finite-dimensional space.


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EC '20: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 13 July 2020


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  1. evolutionary game theory
  2. gradient-like flow
  3. hyperbolic
  4. mean-field approximation
  5. opinion dynamics
  6. saddle point


  • Research-article

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EC '20
EC '20: The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
July 13 - 17, 2020
Virtual Event, Hungary

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