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Tent Mode Interactions: Exploring Collocated Multi-User Interaction on a Foldable Device

Published: 05 October 2020 Publication History


Foldable handheld displays have the potential to offer a rich interaction space, particularly as they fold into a convex form factor, for collocated multi-user interactions. In this paper, we explore Tent mode, a convex configuration of a foldable device partitioned into a primary and a secondary display, as well as a tertiary, Edge display that sits at the intersection of the two. We specifically explore the design space for a wide range of scenarios, such as co-browsing a gallery or co-planning a trip. Through a first collection of interviews, end-users identified a suite of apps that could leverage Tent mode for multi-user interactions. Based on these results we propose an interaction design space that builds on unique Tent mode properties, such as folding, flattening or tilting the device, and the interplay between the three sub-displays. We examine how end-users exploit this rich interaction space when presented with a set of collaborative tasks through a user study, and elicit potential interaction techniques. We implemented these interaction techniques and report on the preliminary user feedback we collected. Finally, we discuss the design implications for collocated interaction in Tent mode configurations.

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MobileHCI '20: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
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