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Headbang: Using Head Gestures to Trigger Discrete Actions on Mobile Devices

Published: 05 October 2020 Publication History


We present Headbang, an interaction technique that enriches touch input on handheld devices through slight head movement gestures. This way, users can easily execute shortcuts, like Copy, Paste, or Share, to on-screen targets while touching them. Headbang utilizes the capabilities of commodity smartphones to track the user’s head with their front facing cameras. We evaluated Headbang in two studies and show that the system can be reliably used while sitting and walking and offers a similar accuracy and speed as touch interaction.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (a17-hueber-supplement.mp4)


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MobileHCI '20: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
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Published: 05 October 2020


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