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Explaining recommendations by means of aspect-based transparent memories

Published: 17 March 2020 Publication History


Recommender Systems have seen substantial progress in terms of algorithmic sophistication recently. Yet, the systems mostly act as black boxes and are limited in their capacity to explain why an item is recommended. In many cases recommendations methods are employed in scenarios where users not only rate items, but also convey their opinion on various relevant aspects, for instance by the means of textual reviews. Such user-generated content can serve as a useful source for deriving explanatory information to increase system intelligibility and, thereby, the user's understanding.
We propose a recommendation and explanation method that exploits the comprehensiveness of textual data to make the underlying criteria and mechanisms that lead to a recommendation more transparent. Concretely, the method incorporates neural memories that store aspect-related opinions extracted from raw review data. We apply attention mechanisms to transparently write and read information from memory slots.
Besides customary offline experiments, we conducted an extensive user study. The results indicate that our approach achieves a higher overall quality of explanations compared to a state-of-the-art baseline. Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling, we additionally reveal three linked key factors that constitute explanation quality: Content adequacy, presentation adequacy, and linguistic adequacy.


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IUI '20: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
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Published: 17 March 2020


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