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Perceptions and expectations about learning analytics from a brazilian higher education institution

Published: 23 March 2020 Publication History


Several tools to support learning processes based on educational data have emerged from research on Learning Analytics (LA) in the last few years. These tools aim to support students and instructors in daily activities, and academic managers in making institutional decisions. Although the adoption of LA tools is spreading, the field still needs to deepen the understanding of the contexts where learning takes place, and of the views of the stakeholders involved in implementing and using these tools. In this sense, the SHEILA framework proposes a set of instruments to perform a detailed analysis of the expectations and needs of different stakeholders in higher education institutions, regarding the adoption of LA. Moreover, there is a lacuna in research on stakeholders' expectations from LA outside the Global North. Therefore, this paper reports on the findings of the application of interviews and focus groups, based on the SHEILA framework, with students and teaching staff from a Brazilian public university, to investigate their perceptions of the potential benefits and risks of using LA in higher education in the country. Findings indicate that there is a high interest in using LA for improving the learning experience, in particular, being able to provide personalized feedback, to adapt teaching practices to students' needs, and to make evidence-based pedagogical decisions. From the analysis of these perspectives, we point to opportunities for using LA in Brazilian higher education.


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      LAK '20: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
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