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Robust Embedded Deep K-means Clustering

Published: 03 November 2019 Publication History


Deep neural network clustering is superior to the conventional clustering methods due to deep feature extraction and nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Nevertheless, deep neural network leads to a rough representation regarding the inherent relationship of the data points. Therefore, it is still difficult for deep neural network to exploit the effective structure for direct clustering. To address this issue, we propose a robust embedded deep K-means clustering (RED-KC) method. The proposed RED-KC approach utilizes the δ-norm metric to constrain the feature mapping process of the auto-encoder network, so that data are mapped to a latent feature space, which is more conducive to the robust clustering. Compared to the existing auto-encoder networks with the fixed prior, the proposed RED-KC is adaptive during the process of feature mapping. More importantly, the proposed RED-KC embeds the clustering process with the auto-encoder network, such that deep feature extraction and clustering can be performed simultaneously. Accordingly, a direct and efficient clustering could be obtained within only one step to avoid the inconvenience of multiple separate stages, namely, losing pivotal information and correlation. Consequently, extensive experiments are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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CIKM '19: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 03 November 2019


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  1. auto-encoder
  2. deep neural networks
  3. embedded clustering
  4. robust k-means


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