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Negative Emotions, Positive Experience: What Are We Doing Wrong When Evaluating the UX?

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Since its idealization more than 20 years ago, much research has been carried out on the User eXperience (UX) field, with several evaluation methods being proposed. However, studies have been pointing out conflicting results when evaluating the UX. Users frequently evaluate their UX as positive, even when experiencing many negative emotions when interacting with a product. Moreover, variables such as the peak-end effect and the memory-experience gap may also have been influencing the results, leading to misinterpretations about the product's quality. In this context, this paper presents our work-in-progress research on the following research question: "What are we doing wrong when evaluating the UX?". We discuss about different variables that may have been influencing users' perceptions about their experiences in previous studies and highlight research opportunities. With this work, we expect to shed light on and bring reflection to current practices on UX evaluations in order to progress the research in the UX field.

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  • (2022)What factors affect the UX in mobile apps? A systematic mapping study on the analysis of app store reviewsJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/j.jss.2022.111462193:COnline publication date: 1-Nov-2022
  • (2021)Are UX Evaluation Methods Providing the Same Big Picture?Sensors10.3390/s2110348021:10(3480)Online publication date: 17-May-2021
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  1. Negative Emotions, Positive Experience: What Are We Doing Wrong When Evaluating the UX?



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CHI EA '19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    May 2019
    3673 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 02 May 2019

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    1. evaluation methods
    2. human-computer interaction
    3. user experience


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    • (2022)What factors affect the UX in mobile apps? A systematic mapping study on the analysis of app store reviewsJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/j.jss.2022.111462193:COnline publication date: 1-Nov-2022
    • (2021)Are UX Evaluation Methods Providing the Same Big Picture?Sensors10.3390/s2110348021:10(3480)Online publication date: 17-May-2021
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    • (2019)Scope and definition of user experience in BrazilProceedings of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3357155.3358444(1-11)Online publication date: 22-Oct-2019

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