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AdapTable: Extending Reach over Large Tabletops through Flexible Multi-Display Configuration

Published: 19 November 2018 Publication History


Large interactive tabletops are beneficial for various tasks involving exploration and visualization, but regions of the screen far from users can be difficult to reach. We propose AdapTable; a concept and prototype of a flexible multi-display tabletop that can physically reconfigure its layout, allowing for interaction with difficult-to-reach regions. We conducted a design study where we found users preferred to change screen layouts for full-screen interaction, motivated by reduced physical demands and frustration. We then prototyped AdapTable using four actuated tabletop displays each propelled by a mobile robot, and a touch menu was chosen to control the layout. Finally, we conducted a user study to evaluate how well AdapTable addresses the reaching problem compared with a conventional panning technique. Our findings show that AdapTable provides a more efficient method for complex full-screen interaction.

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SMART Table. hardware/other-hardware/tables
ERGOTRON. workspace-planner

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ISS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces
November 2018
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Published: 19 November 2018


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