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10.1145/3132465.3132478acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A knowledge and reasoning toolkit for cognitive applications

Published: 14 October 2017 Publication History


This paper presents a knowledge and reasoning toolkit for developing cognitive applications which have significant requirements for managing structured and semi-structured data. Our system provides enhanced querying and reasoning capabilities along with natural language processing support and the ability to automatically extract data from PDF documents. We also have the capability to manage ontologies in a user-friendly way. Our system is implemented as a set of Web services, and we provide enhanced clients to allow applications to easily access our knowledge and reasoning toolkit.


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Published: 14 October 2017


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  1. data extraction
  2. knowledge representation
  3. natural language processing
  4. ontology engineering
  5. reasoning
  6. resource description framework (RDF)
  7. web ontology language (OWL)


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